(2)报错:Variable references non-existent resource :${workspace_loc:test1/src/code.py 的解决方式
首先问题一,我是在打开别个写好的代码时遇到中文乱码的,自己曾经也想把注释写成汉字,但是会报语法错误,自己找了些资料和参考了别个文章http://blog.csdn.net/zzjiadw/article/details/7187191 使得问题解决了一部分,如下:(java中能用汉字正常不一定说明pydev能用哦)
window->preferences->general->editors->text editors->spelling->encoding->UTF-8,编辑器的编码格式
window->preferences->workspace->text file encoding->UTF-8
py文件记得保存成UTF-8,文件首行加上”#coding=utf-8” ,这一句话可控制代码中可输入中文字符
run-->run configurations->python run->Common-> Encoding ->UTF-8 ,这个应该是运行时的可解决中文乱码问题。
如果想每次新建一个空模块时自动添加”#coding=utf-8” 这样的一句话,可以通过window--Preferences--Pydev--Editor--Template--Empty,然后点击“Edit”按钮,把我们要添加的语句加进去就可以了,将事先默认的语句去掉,改写为:#coding=utf-8这样的一句话,也可以加文件名等哦,然后你再新建一个空白模块试试,就可以了。
发生过程:运行文件时先弹出窗口大概是“Launch configuration“,让你选择以之前已经运行过的某个程序的配置方式运行当前程序的问题,但是你已经手动删除了对话框中的旧程序,此时仍然继续选择不存在的旧程序配置方式就会出现如下报错:
Variable references non-existent resource :${workspace_loc:test1/src/code.py;
可以通过到run下拉栏的run configuration 去删除你已经删除了的旧程序的文件记录,图片最左边的的旧文件选中-右键-delete;或者如图片2 在对应的project 上右键-选中properties-到Run/DebugSettings中进行删除旧文件配置,效果应该一样。
Whenever I hit Debug or Run, I get a dialog asking me what configuration I want to use. How do I set a default configuration and bind a keyboard shortcut?
How to run the last launched application The answer lies in a preference hidden on the Run/Debug page: Go to Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching. Select the option Always launch the previously launched application. It’s located at the bottom of the dialog. The preference should look something like this:
Now you’re free to press F11, Ctrl+F11 or click the Run/Debug icons on the toolbar with confidence, knowing it’s going to run what you expect it to run. One question arises: How do you quickly run a class as a specific application (eg. a JUnit test) if you can’t press F11 to run it? You have some options available: The fastest way is to use keyboard shortcuts. Eclipse allows you to launch classes using a keystroke, including JUnit tests, Java applications, etc using Alt+Shift+X. Alternatively, right-click on the class and select Run As. The submenu will show available options for launching the class. Lastly, you could click the pulldown arrow on the run/debug icons in the toolbar and select Run As. The submenu once again shows available options for launching the class.
If you get the following (probably when refreshing the project after first setting it up):
Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on project 'Cassandra-trunk'. Variable references non-existent resource : ${workspace_loc:/cassandra-trunk/build.xml} Variable references non-existent resource : ${workspace_loc:/cassandra-trunk/build.xml}This probably means that the project name you chose in Eclipse doesn't match the top-level directory (must match exactly, including capitalisation). Go to Project->Properties->Builders, select Cassandra-Ant-Builder, Edit, and fix the Build File and Base Directory to match the name in Eclipse (the easiest way is just to browse to the right file/folder).
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/RunningCassandraInEclipse 一些报错的内容都可以在上面找解决方式