常识(6)- PowerBuilder的error对象及error.number列表

The Error object is used to record execution-time errors. You can access the Error object from a script (typically in the SystemError event) to learn which error occurred and where it occurred. You can also customize your own version of the Error object by defining a class user object inherited from the built-in Error object.

string    ls_msg
choose case error.number
case 1//by zero
    ls_msg = "发生被 0 除错误"
case 2//2 Null object reference
    ls_msg = "空对象引用"
case 3//3 Array boundary exceeded
    ls_msg = "数组越界"
case 4//4 Enumerated value is out of range for function
    ls_msg = "枚举值超出函数的范围"
case 5//5 Negative value encountered in function
    ls_msg = "函数中遇到负数"
case 6//6 Invalid DataWindow row/column specified
    ls_msg = "数据窗口的列或行非法"
case 7//7 Unresolvable external when linking reference
    ls_msg = "链接调用时不能解决外部对象"
case 8//8 Reference of array with null subscript
    ls_msg = "使用空下标引用数组"
case 9//9 DLL function not found in current application
    ls_msg = "当前应用中没有找到动态链接库的函数"
case 10//10 Unsupported argument type in DLL function
    ls_msg = "使用了动态链接库函数不支持的参数类型"
case 11//11 Object file is out of date and must be converted to current version
    ls_msg = "对象文件已经过时并且必须使用当前的版本"
case 12//12 DataWindow column type does not match GetItem type
    ls_msg = "数据窗口的列的数据类型与GetItem函数的类型不符"
case 13//13 Unresolved property reference
    ls_msg = "属性引用尚未解决"
case 14//14 Error opening DLL library for external function
    ls_msg = "为外部函数调用而打开动态链接库时发生错误"
case 15//15 Error calling external function name
    ls_msg = "调用外部函数时发生错误"
case 16//16 Maximum string size exceeded
    ls_msg = "字符串长度超越了最大限制"
case 17//17 DataWindow referenced in DataWindow object does not exist
    ls_msg = "数据窗口引用的数据窗口对象不存在"
case 18//18 Function doesn't return value
    ls_msg = "函数没有返回值(应该有而没有)"
case 19//19 Cannot convert name in Any variable to name
    ls_msg = "不能转换Any类型的变量到另一个类型"
case 20//20 Database command has not been successfully prepared
    ls_msg = "数据库命令没有成功准备"
case 21//21 Bad runtime function reference
    ls_msg = "引用了错误的运行时函数"
case 22//22 Unknown object type
    ls_msg = "不知道的对象类型"
case 23//23 Cannot assign object of type name to variable of type name
    ls_msg = "不能将对象赋给变量,两种类型不能赋值"
case 24//24 Function call doesn't match its definition
    ls_msg = "函数调用格式与其定义不一致"
case 25//25 Double or Real expression has overflowed
    ls_msg = "双精度型或实型表达式溢出"
case 26//26 Field name assignment not supported
    ls_msg = "不支持这种字段赋值"
case 27//27 Cannot take a negative to a noninteger power
    ls_msg = "不能计算一个负数的非整数次方"
case 28//28 VBX Error: name
    ls_msg = "VBX 错误"
case 29//29 Nonarray expected in ANY variable
    ls_msg = "ANY 类型变量期待非数组类型"
case 30//30 External object does not support data type name
    ls_msg = "外部对象不支持这种变量类型"
case 31//31 External object data type name not supported
    ls_msg = "外部对象的数据类型不支持"
case 32//32 Name not found calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "调用外部对象函数时函数名称没有找到"
case 33//33 Invalid parameter type calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "调用外部对象函数时使用了错误的参数类型"
case 34//34 Incorrect number of parameters calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "调用外部对象函数时使用的参数个数不对"
case 35//35 Error calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "调用外部对象的函数错误"
case 36//36 Name not found accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "访问外部对象属性时属性名称没有找到"
case 37//37 Type mismatch accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "访问外部对象属性时使用了不匹配的类型"
case 38//38 Incorrect number of subscripts accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "访问外部对象属性时使用了错误的下标"
case 39//39 Error accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "访问外部对象的属性错误"
case 40//40 Mismatched ANY data types in expression
    ls_msg = "表达式中ANY数据类型不匹配"
case 41//41 Illegal ANY data type in expression
    ls_msg = "表达式中使用了非法的ANY数据类型"
case 42//42 Specified argument type differs from required argument type at runtime in DLL function name
    ls_msg = "指定的参数类型与动态链接库中的函数所需要的参数类型不一致"
case 43//43 Parent object doesn't exist
    ls_msg = "父对象不存在"
case 44//44 Function has conflicting argument or return type in ancestor
    ls_msg = "函数与祖先的参数或返回值冲突" 
case 45//45 Internal table overflow; maximum number of objects exceeded
    ls_msg = "内部表溢出;对象的最大数目已经超越"
case 46//46 Null object reference cannot be assigned or passed to a variable of this type
    ls_msg = "空对象引用不能赋值或传递给一个这种类型的变量"
case 47//47 Array expected in ANY variable
    ls_msg = "ANY类型期待数组"
case 48//48 Size mismatch in array to object conversion
    ls_msg = "将数组转换成对象时数组的大小不匹配"
case 49//49 Type mismatch in array to object conversion
    ls_msg = "将数组转换成对象不匹配"
case 50//50 Distributed Service Error
    ls_msg = "分布式服务错误"
case 51//51 Bad argument list for function/event
    ls_msg = "函数/事件的参数列表错误"
case 52//52 Distributed Communications Error
    ls_msg = "分布式通讯错误"
case 53//53 Requested server not active
    ls_msg = "被请求的服务器没有激活"
case 54//54 Server not accepting requests
    ls_msg = "服务器不接受请求"
case 55//55 Request terminated abnormally
    ls_msg = "请求意外中断"
case 56//56 Response to request incomplete
    ls_msg = "响应请求不完整"
case 57//57 Not connected
    ls_msg = "没有连接"
case 58//58 Object instance does not exist
    ls_msg = "对象实例不存在"
case 59//59 Invalid column range
    ls_msg = "无效的列的范围"
case 60//60 Invalid row range
    ls_msg = "无效的行的范围"
case 61//61 Invalid conversion of number dimensional array to object
    ls_msg = "转换多维数组到一个对象无效"
case 62//62 Server busy
    ls_msg = "服务器忙"
case 63//63 Function/event with no return value used in expression
    ls_msg = "在表达式中函数/事件没有返回值"
case 64//64 Object array expected in left side of assignment
    ls_msg = "赋值语句左边期待对象数组"
case 65//65 Dynamic function not found. Possible causes include: pass by value/reference mismatch
    ls_msg = "动态函数没有找到,可能是因为:值传递/引用传递不匹配"
case 66//66 Invalid subscript for array index operation
    ls_msg = "属组索引使用了非法的下标"
case 67//67 NULL object reference cannot be assigned or passed to an autoinstantiate
    ls_msg = "空的对象引用不能赋值或传递给一个自动实例化对象"
case 68//68 NULL object reference cannot be passed to external DLL function name
    ls_msg = "空的对象引用不能传递给外部动态链接库函数"
case 69//69 Function name cannot be called from a secured runtime session
    ls_msg = "安全模式中不能调用该函数"
case 70//70 External DLL function name cannot be called from a secured runtime session
    ls_msg = "安全模式中不能调用外部动态链接库函数"
case 71//71 General protection fault occurred
    ls_msg = "发生一般的保护错误"
case 72//72 name failed with an operating system error code of number
    ls_msg = "字段发生一个操作系统错误"
case 73//73 Reference parameters cannot be passed to an asynchronous shared/remote object method
    ls_msg = "引用型参数不能传递给一个异步的共享/远程对象方法"
case 74//74 Reference parameters cannot be passed to a shared object method
    ls_msg = "引用型参数不能传递给一个共享对象的方法"
case 75//75 The server has forced the client to disconnect
    ls_msg = "服务器已经强制客户端断开连接"
case 76//76 Passing NULL as a parameter to external function name
    ls_msg = "给外部函数传递了一个空值参数"
case 77//77 Object passed to shared/remote object method is not a nonvisual user object
    ls_msg = "对象传递给共享/远程对象的方法不是一个不可视的用户对象"
case 78//78 Listen can only be done in Enterprise version of PowerBuilder
    ls_msg = "监听只能在企业版的PowerBuilder中使用"
case 79//79 The argument to name must be an array
    ls_msg = "参数必须是一个数组"
case 80//80 The server has timed out the client connection
    ls_msg = "客户端尝试连接的时间已经超出服务器设置的限制时间"
case 81//81 Function argument file creator must be a four character string
    ls_msg = "函数参数文件创建者必须是一个四个字符的字符串"
case 82//82 Function argument file type must be a four character string
    ls_msg = "函数参数文件类型必须是一个四个字符的字符串"
case 83//83 Attempt to invoke a function or event that is not accessible
    ls_msg = "试图调用一个不可存取的函数或事件"
case 84//84 Wrong number of arguments passed to function/event call
    ls_msg = "在函数/事件中传递的参数个数错误"
case 85//85 Error in reference argument passed in function/event call
    ls_msg = "在函数/事件中传递的引用型参数错误"
case 86//86 Ambiguous function/event reference
    ls_msg = "引用不明确的函数/事件"
case 87//87 The connection to the server has been lost
    ls_msg = "与服务器的连接已经丢失"
case 88//88 Cannot ask for ClassDefinition Information on open painter: name
    ls_msg = "不能在打开的画笔中查询类定义信息"
case 85//89 5.0 style proxy objects are not supported. Copy the new style proxy that was generated at migration time
    ls_msg = "5.0中的类型代理对象不支持,拷贝移植时产生的新的类型代理"
case 90//90 Cannot assign array of type name to variable of type array of name
    ls_msg = "这两种数据类型的数组不能赋值"
case 91//91 Cannot convert any in Any variable to string.Possible cause uninitialized value.
    ls_msg = "不能将任意型变量转变成字符型变量"
case else
    ls_msg = '未知错误, 请记录错误号并与管理员联系'
end choose
