kylin mondrian saiku interaction



  1. download software

  2. hive create table and load demo data

  3. kylin sync table create cube and build

  4. saiku deploy create schema and add data source

  5. test query form saiku against kylin

step 1

  1. download commons-httpclient-3.1.jar

  2. download kylin-jdbc-1.0-incubating.jar

  3. download mondrian-4.4-lagunitas-SNAPSHOT-with-kylin-dialect.jar

  4. download

step 2 hive create table and load demo data

  1. prepare data

    1. unzip

    2. find saiku-server/data/foodmart_h2.sql

    3. edit this sql and load into mysql

    4. export data from mysql to csv files

  2. create table

    1. email me for foodmart.create.hive.tables.sql this file
  3. load data into tables

    1. email me for file and csv fiels

step 3 kylin sync table create cube and build

  1. sync table

    1. login into kylin webui

    2. click tables tab

    3. choose project(create one if you don’t have one)

    4. click load hive table button and input these tablenames

       account, agg_c_10_sales_fact_1997, agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997, agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997, agg_g_ms_pcat_sales_fact_1997, agg_l_03_sales_fact_1997, agg_l_04_sales_fact_1997, agg_l_05_sales_fact_1997, agg_lc_06_sales_fact_1997, agg_lc_100_sales_fact_1997, agg_ll_01_sales_fact_1997, agg_pl_01_sales_fact_1997, category, currency, customer, days, department, employee, employee_closure, expense_fact, inventory_fact_1997, inventory_fact_1998, position, product, product_class, promotion, region, reserve_employee, salary, sales_fact_1997, sales_fact_1998, sales_fact_dec_1998, store, store_ragged, time_by_day, warehouse, warehouse_class
    5. click sync button

  2. create cube

    1. login into kylin webui

    2. click cubes tab

    3. click +cube button

    4. and in cube designer there are 8 steps

       # 1. cubeinfo
       # 2. data model
       # 3. dimensions
       # 4. measures
       # 5. filter
       # 6. refresh setting
       # 7. advanced setting
       # 8. overview
    5. click save

  3. build cube

    1. after you click save you will see a cubes table

    2. in the actions column of you cube, select build

    3. click jobs tab

    4. from jobs tab you will see your cube’s build status

    5. when done (progress column will show 100%) click query tab

  4. query against your cube

    1. click query tab

    2. select your project

    3. input your query

       # something like this
       GROUP BY

step 4 saiku deploy create schema and add data source

  1. deploy saiku

    1. unzip it to somewhere

    2. put these jar files to saiku-server/tomcat/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/lib

    3. delete these old jar files

    4. from saiku-server folder start saiku
  2. create schema, please check my post 2015-11-08-saiku-design-a-schema

    1. create a schema(xml file)

       <?xml version='1.0'?>
       <Schema metamodelVersion="4.0" name="FoodMartKylin">
               <Table name="STORE">
                       <Column name="STORE_ID"/>
           <Dimension key="Store Id" name="Store" table="STORE">
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" name="Store Country">
                           <Column name="STORE_COUNTRY"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="STORE_STATE" name="Store State"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" name="Store City">
                           <Column name="STORE_STATE"/>
                           <Column name="STORE_CITY"/>
                           <Column name="STORE_CITY"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="STORE_ID" name="Store Id"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="STORE_NAME" name="Store Name">
                       <Property attribute="Store Type"/>
                       <Property attribute="Store Manager"/>
                       <Property attribute="Store Sqft"/>
                       <Property attribute="Grocery Sqft"/>
                       <Property attribute="Frozen Sqft"/>
                       <Property attribute="Meat Sqft"/>
                       <Property attribute="Has coffee bar"/>
                       <Property attribute="Street address"/>
                   <Attribute hierarchyAllMemberName="All Store Types" keyColumn="STORE_TYPE" name="Store Type"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="STORE_MANAGER" name="Store Manager"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="STORE_SQFT" name="Store Sqft"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="GROCERY_SQFT" name="Grocery Sqft"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="FROZEN_SQFT" name="Frozen Sqft"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="MEAT_SQFT" name="Meat Sqft"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="COFFEE_BAR" name="Has coffee bar"/>
                   <Attribute hasHierarchy="false" keyColumn="STORE_STREET_ADDRESS" name="Street address"/>
                   <Hierarchy allMemberName="All Stores" name="Stores">
                       <Level attribute="Store Country"/>
                       <Level attribute="Store State"/>
                       <Level attribute="Store City"/>
                       <Level attribute="Store Name"/>
                   <Hierarchy name="Store Size in SQFT">
                       <Level attribute="Store Sqft"/>
           <Cube name="Store">
                   <Dimension key="Store Type" name="Store Type">
                           <Attribute hasHierarchy="true" keyColumn="STORE_TYPE" name="Store Type" table="STORE"/>
                   <Dimension source="Store"/>
                   <Dimension name="Has coffee bar">
                           <Attribute datatype="Boolean" hasHierarchy="true" keyColumn="COFFEE_BAR" name="Has coffee bar" table="STORE"/>
                   <MeasureGroup name="Store" table="STORE">
                           <Measure aggregator="sum" column="STORE_SQFT" formatString="#,###" name="Store Sqft"/>
                           <Measure aggregator="sum" column="GROCERY_SQFT" formatString="#,###" name="Grocery Sqft"/>
                           <FactLink dimension="Store"/>
                           <FactLink dimension="Store Type"/>
                           <FactLink dimension="Has coffee bar"/>
    2. login into saiku webui use admin/admin

    3. click admin console tab

    4. in data source management choose add schema

       # 1. choose your schema file
       # 2. input a schema name(e.g. foodmart_kylin)
       # 3. upload it
  3. add data source

    1. login into saiku webui use admin/admin

    2. click admin console tab

    3. in data source management choose add data source

       name:             foodmart_kylin
       connection type:  mondrian
       url:              jdbc:kylin://localhost:7070/kylin_project
       schema:           /datasources/foodmart_kylin.xml
       jdbc driver:      org.apache.kylin.jdbc.Driver
       username:         ADMIN
       password:         ADMIN
    4. click save

step 5 test query form saiku against kylin

  1. login into saiku webui use admin/admin

  2. click new query tab

  3. drag drag drag

  4. done


  1. mustangore’s github repo kylin-mondrian-interaction
