Web Bench is very simple tool for benchmarking WWW or proxy servers. Uses fork() for simulating multiple clients and can use HTTP/0.9-HTTP/1.1 requests. This benchmark is not very realistic, but it can test if your HTTPD can realy handle that many clients at once (try to run some CGIs) without taking your machine down. Displays pages/min and bytes/sec. Can be used in more aggressive mode with -f switch.
Web Bench是一个简单的web或者web代理服务的基准测试工具。(它)使用fork()模拟多个客户端并且可以发起HTTP/0/9-HTTP/1.1的请求。这个基准测试不是非常符合实际情况,但是可以测试出你的HTTP服务是否可以处理多个客户同时访问而不会把你的机器弄挂掉。这个工具可以获得服务的两个指标:每分钟响应请求数量(pages/min)和每秒钟传输数据量(bytes/sec)。使用-f选项可以运行在主动模式下(不等待服务器响应直接发送下一个请求)。
ab is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to give you an impression of how your current Apache installation performs. This especially shows you how many requests per second your Apache installation is capable of serving.
网上有些文章说安装apache2后一般情况下在Apache的bin目录下。我在Ubunut 14.04上测试,并不是这样。要在Ubuntu上使用ab,需要apache2-utils。
ab的用法参考:ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool,(总结)Web性能压力测试工具之ApacheBench(ab)详解
Siege is an http load testing and benchmarking utility. It was designed to let web developers measure their code under duress, to see how it will stand up to load on the internet. Siege supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It lets its user hit a web server with a configurable number of simulated web browsers. Those browsers place the server “under siege.”
Siege(英文意思是围攻)是一个压力测试和评测工具,设计用于WEB开发这评估应用在压力下的承受能力:可以根据配置对一个WEB站点进行多用户的并发访问,记录每个用户所有请求过程的相应时间,并在一定数量的并发访问下重复进行。 Siege 支持基本的认证,cookies, HTTP 和 HTTPS 协议。
Siege的安装和用法可以参考:Siege Manual,Using Siege to Tune Apache on GNU/Linux,(总结)Web性能压力测试工具之Siege详解,压力测试工具siege的用法
我的Ubuntu 14.04上的使用如下:
Apache JMeter是一个专门为运行和服务器装载测试而设计的、100%的纯Java桌面运行程序。原先它是为Web/HTTP测试而设计的,但是它已经扩展以支持各种各样的测试模块。它和用于HTTP和SQL数据库(使用JDBC)的模块一起运送。它可以用来测试静止资料库或者活动资料库中的服务器的运行情况,可以用来模拟对服务器或者网络系统加以重负荷以测试它的抵抗力,或者用来分析不同负荷类型下的所有运行情况。它也提供了一个可替换的界面用来定制数据显示,测试同步及测试的创建和执行。
The Apache JMeter™ desktop application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions.
What can I do with it?
Apache JMeter may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources (Files, Web dynamic languages - PHP, Java, ASP.NET, etc. -, Java Objects, Data Bases and Queries, FTP Servers and more). It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, group of servers, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types. You can use it to make a graphical analysis of performance or to test your server/script/object behavior under heavy concurrent load.
What does it do?
Apache JMeter features include:
- Ability to load and performance test many different server/protocol types:
- Database via JDBC
- Message-oriented middleware (MOM) via JMS
- Mail - SMTP(S), POP3(S) and IMAP(S)
- MongoDB (NoSQL)
- Native commands or shell scripts
- Complete portability and 100% Java purity .
- Full multithreading framework allows concurrent sampling by many threads and simultaneous sampling of different functions by separate thread groups.
- Careful GUI design allows faster Test Plan building and debugging.
- Caching and offline analysis/replaying of test results.
- Highly Extensible core:
- Pluggable Samplers allow unlimited testing capabilities.
- Several load statistics may be choosen with pluggable timers .
- Data analysis and visualization plugins allow great extensibility as well as personalization.
- Functions can be used to provide dynamic input to a test or provide data manipulation.
- Scriptable Samplers (BeanShell, BSF-compatible languages and JSR223-compatible languages)
Web Polygraph这个软件也是一个用于测试WEB性能的工具,这个工具是很多公司的标准测试工具,包括微软在分析其软件性能的时候,也是使用这个工具做为基准工具的。很多招聘测试员的广告中都注明需要熟练掌握这个测试工具。
Web Polygraph is a freely available performance testing tool for caching proxies, origin server accelerators, L4/7 switches, content filters, and other Web intermediaries. Polygraph's features include:
Although the real live flow is important for the test of Internet server applications, it is hard to simulate it as online environments are too complex. To support more realistic testing of Internet server applications, we propose a live flow reproduction tool – TCPCopy, which could generate the test workload that is similar to the production workload. TCPCopy consists of two components: the TCPCopy Client (tcpcopy) and the TCPCopy Server (intercept). The TCPCopy Client (tcpcopy) is deployed on the production system and it copies live flow data, does necessary modifications and sends them to the test system in real-time. The TCPCopy Server (intercept) is deployed on the test system and it returns necessary response information to the TCPCopy Client (tcpcopy). To the test server, the reproduced workload is just from end-users. Currently, TCPCopy has been widely used by companies in China.
TCPCopy has little influence on the production system except occupying additional CPU, memory and bandwidth. Moreover, the reproduced workload is similar to the production workload in request diversity, network latency and resource occupation.
Traditional architecture
Advanced architecture
Tsung is an open-source multi-protocol distributed load testing tool
It can be used to stress HTTP, WebDAV, SOAP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, LDAP and Jabber/XMPP servers. Tsung is a free software released under the GPLv2license.
The purpose of Tsung is to simulate users in order to test the scalability and performance of IP based client/server applications. You can use it to do load and stress testing of your servers. Many protocols have been implemented and tested, and it can be easily extended.
It can be distributed on several client machines and is able to simulate hundreds of thousands of virtual users concurrently (or even millions if you have enough hardware ...).
Tsung is developed in Erlang, an open-source language made by Ericsson for building robust fault-tolerant distributed applications.
curl-loader (also known as "omes-nik" and "davilka") is an open-source tool written in C-language, simulating application load and application behavior of thousands and tens of thousand HTTP/HTTPS and FTP/FTPS clients, each with its own source IP-address. In contrast to other tools curl-loader is using real C-written client protocol stacks, namely, HTTP and FTP stacks of libcurl and TLS/SSL of openssl, and simulates user behavior with support for login and authentication flavors.
The goal of the project is to deliver a powerful and flexible open-source testing solution as a real alternative to Spirent Avalanche and IXIA IxLoad.
The tool is useful for performance loading of various application services, for testing web and ftp servers and traffic generation. Activities of each virtual client are logged and collected statistics includes information about resolving, connection establishment, sending of requests, receiving responses, headers and data received/sent, errors from network, TLS/SSL and application (HTTP, FTP) level events and errors.
Virtual clients are grouped together to the so-called batches of clients, performing the same sort of activities, like:
The tool can be easily extended to generate sftp, telnet, tftp, ldap, ssh, scp etc other application protocols, supported by the great libcurl library.
Grinder是一个开源的JVM负载测试框架,它通过很多负载注射器来为分布式测试提供了便利。 支持用于执行测试脚本的Jython脚本引擎HTTP测试可通过HTTP代理进行管理。根据项目网站的说法,Grinder的 主要目标用户是“理解他们所测代码的人——Grinder不仅仅是带有一组相关响应时间的‘黑盒’测试。由于测试过程可以进行编码——而不是简单地脚本 化,所以程序员能测试应用中内部的各个层次,而不仅仅是通过用户界面测试响应时间。
kylinPET(performance emulation tool,麒麟宠物)是一款功能强大的性能测试工具;界面友好、操作方便,资源占用率低;自带TCP/IP协议栈,支持虚拟大量IP;支持IPv4、IPv6的多种业务测试;支持WEB/WebService业务与Flex(HTTP)、IMS业务(SIP)、IPTV业务(RTSP/IGMP/MLD)、XMPP、Socket业务、数据库、JMS、FTP/SFTP、WEB视频(包括FLV/MP4/HTTP Live Streaming/HTTP Smooth Streaming/HTTP Dynamic Streaming)、WebSocket、JAVA;支持多种协议组合。