select bm2.bis_must_id, bm2.qz_year_month, bm2.money, bm2.adjust_money, bm2.bis_cont_id, bm2.must_type, bm2.rent_last_pay_date, bc.BIS_STORE_IDS, bc.BIS_STORE_NOS, bc.BIS_SHOP_ID, bc.BIS_SHOP_NAME, bc.BIS_PROJECT_ID, bp.short_name, bp.project_name, bm2.billing_period_begin, bm2.billing_period_end from (selectsum(m.money) money, sum(aj.adjust_money) adjust_money, m.must_type must_type, m.qz_year_month qz_year_month, m.bis_project_id bis_project_id, m.bis_cont_id bis_cont_id, max(m.rent_last_pay_date) rent_last_pay_date, max(m.billing_period_begin) billing_period_begin, min(m.billing_period_end) billing_period_end, max(m.bis_must_id) bis_must_id from bis_must2 m, (select j.* from bis_mf_adjust j where (j.is_del = '1'or j.is_del isnull) and j.adjust_type = '1' and j.fee_type = 1) aj where1 = 1 and m.bis_project_id = '402834702b8b7fc8012b99606d320f1c' and m.must_type = 1-- 1租金 2物管 and m.rent_last_pay_date isnotnull and m.rent_last_pay_date < SYSDATE and (m.is_delete = '0'or m.is_delete isnull) --不是删除的 and (m.is_bd_show = '1'or m.is_bd_show isnull) and m.bis_cont_id = aj.bis_cont_id(+) and m.billing_period_begin = aj.billing_period_begin(+) and m.billing_period_end = aj.billing_period_end(+) groupby m.bis_project_id, m.qz_year_month, m.must_type, m.bis_cont_id) bm2, bis_cont bc, bis_project bp where bm2.bis_cont_id = bc.bis_cont_id and bm2.bis_project_id = bp.bis_project_id and bc.store_type in (1,2) and bc.cont_type_cd in (1,2) and bc.status_cd in (1,2,3) unionall select bm2.bis_must_id, bm2.qz_year_month, bm2.money, bm2.adjust_money, bm2.bis_cont_id, bm2.must_type, bm2.rent_last_pay_date, bc.BIS_STORE_IDS, bc.BIS_STORE_NOS, bc.BIS_SHOP_ID, bc.BIS_SHOP_NAME, bc.BIS_PROJECT_ID, bp.short_name, bp.project_name, bm2.billing_period_begin, bm2.billing_period_end from (selectsum(m.money) money, sum(aj.adjust_money) adjust_money, m.must_type must_type, m.qz_year_month qz_year_month, m.bis_project_id bis_project_id, m.bis_cont_id bis_cont_id, max(m.rent_last_pay_date) rent_last_pay_date, max(m.billing_period_begin) billing_period_begin, min(m.billing_period_end) billing_period_end, max(m.bis_must_id) bis_must_id from bis_must2 m, (select j.* from bis_mf_adjust j where (j.is_del = '1'or j.is_del isnull) and j.adjust_type = '1' and j.fee_type = 2) aj where1 = 1 and m.bis_project_id = '402834702b8b7fc8012b99606d320f1c' and m.must_type = 2-- 1租金 2物管 and m.rent_last_pay_date isnotnull and m.rent_last_pay_date < SYSDATE and (m.is_delete = '0'or m.is_delete isnull) --不是删除的 and (m.is_bd_show = '1'or m.is_bd_show isnull) and m.bis_cont_id = aj.bis_cont_id(+) and m.billing_period_begin = aj.billing_period_begin(+) and m.billing_period_end = aj.billing_period_end(+) groupby m.bis_project_id, m.qz_year_month, m.must_type, m.bis_cont_id) bm2, bis_cont bc, bis_project bp where bm2.bis_cont_id = bc.bis_cont_id and bm2.bis_project_id = bp.bis_project_id and bc.store_type in (1,2) and bc.cont_type_cd in (1,2) and bc.status_cd in (1,2,3)
-- Create/Recreate indexes createindex IDX_PROJECT_ID on BIS_MUST2 (bis_project_id, must_type); |