
Fortran originally was designed to allow programmers to evaluate formu-
las—FORmula TRANslation—easily on large computers.

program calculation_1_v2
   print *, "84 + 13 =", 84 + 13
end program calculation_1_v2

The program Statement
Each Fortran program begins with a program statement and ends with an end program
statement. The program statement consists of the keyword program followed by a pro-
gram name of the programmerʹs choice. A name must start with a letter and consist of
at most 63 letters, digits, and underscores; the letters may be uppercase or lowercase.
Other names in Fortran also follow this rule.
The end program Statement
The end program statement begins with the keywords end program. It must be fol-
lowed by the name of the program. Every Fortran program must have an end program
statement as its last statement.
