how to write order by and limit query in jpa [duplicate]


i wish to fetch top 10 results based on 'totalTradedVolume' filed of my table 'MasterScrip' when i write the following query:

Collection<MasterScrip> sm=null; sm=em.createQuery("select m from MasterScrip m where m.type = :type order by m.totalTradedVolume limit 2").setParameter("type", type).getResultList();

i get the following exception :

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An exception occurred while creating a query in EntityManager: Exception Description: Syntax error parsing the query [select m from MasterScrip m where m.type = :type order by m.totalTradedVolume limit 2], line 1, column 78: unexpected token [limit]. Internal Exception: NoViableAltException(80@[])

something's wrong with my jpa query. can anyone pls correct me?


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limit is not recognized in JPA. You can instead use the query.setMaxResults method:

sm = em.createQuery("select m from MasterScrip m where m.type = :type order by m.totalTradedVolume") .setParameter("type", type) .setMaxResults(2).getResultList()

limit is specific to some databasese (mysql) but HQL is targetted to work with all the hibernate supported database. 

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