Attempted to lock an already-locked dir svn: Working copy

myeclipse用svn提交的时候报错: Attempted to lock an already-locked dir svn: Working copy 'D:


 Attempted to lock an already-locked dir

svn: Working copy 'D:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.6flex\workspace\emis\WebRoot\emis\emresource' locked

org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Attempted to lock an already-locked dir

svn: Working copy 'D:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.6flex\workspace\emis\WebRoot\emis\emresource' locked


1、在客户端命令行使用命令 svn cleanup D:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.6flex\workspace\emis\WebRoot\emis\emresource


你可能感兴趣的:(Attempted to lock an already-locked dir svn: Working copy)