GROUPING SETS作为GROUP BY的子句,允许开发人员在GROUP BY语句后面指定多个统计选项,可以简单理解为多条group by语句通过union all把查询结果聚合起来结合起来,下面是几个实例可以帮助我们了解,
[dp@YZSJHL19-87 xjob]$ hive -e "use acorn_3g;desc test_xinyan_reg;" user_id bigint None device_id int None 手机,平板 os_id int None 操作系统类型 app_id int None 手机app_id client_version string None 客户端版本 from_id int None 四级渠道
grouping sets语句 | 等价hive语句 |
select device_id,os_id,app_id,count(user_id) from test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id grouping sets((device_id)) |
SELECT device_id,null,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id |
select device_id,os_id,app_id,count(user_id) from test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id grouping sets((device_id,os_id)) | SELECT device_id,os_id,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id |
select device_id,os_id,app_id,count(user_id) from test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id grouping sets((device_id,os_id),(device_id)) | SELECT device_id,os_id,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id |
select device_id,os_id,app_id,count(user_id) from test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id grouping sets((device_id),(os_id),(device_id,os_id),()) | SELECT device_id,null,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id UNION ALL SELECT null,null,null,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg |
cube简称数据魔方,可以实现hive多个任意维度的查询,cube(a,b,c)则首先会对(a,b,c)进行group by,然后依次是(a,b),(a,c),(a),(b,c),(b),(c),最后在对全表进行group by,他会统计所选列中值的所有组合的聚合
select device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id,count(user_id) from test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id with cube;
SELECT device_id,null,null,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,null,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,null,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id UNION ALL SELECT null,null,app_id,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by app_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,app_id,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,app_id UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,app_id,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id,app_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,app_id,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id UNION ALL SELECT null,null,null,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by client_version UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,null,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,client_version UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,null,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id,client_version UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,null,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,client_version UNION ALL SELECT null,null,app_id,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by app_id,client_version UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,app_id,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,app_id,client_version UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,app_id,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id,app_id,client_version UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version UNION ALL SELECT null,null,null,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,null,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,null,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id,from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,null,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,null,app_id,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by app_id,from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,app_id,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,app_id,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,app_id,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id,app_id,from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,app_id,null,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,null,null,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,null,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,null,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id,client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,null,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,null,app_id,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by app_id,client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,null,app_id,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,app_id,client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id UNION ALL SELECT null,null,null,null,null ,count(user_id) FROM test_xinyan_reg
看着很蛋疼是不是,体会到cube的强大了吗!(低版本hive可以通过union all方式解决,算是没有办法的办法)
select device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id,count(user_id) from test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id with rollup;
select device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id,count(user_id) from test_xinyan_reg group by device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id grouping sets ((device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version,from_id),(device_id,os_id,app_id,client_version),(device_id,os_id,app_id),(device_id,os_id),(device_id),());
Column1 (key) | Column2 (value) |
1 | NULL |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SELECT key, value, GROUPING__ID, count(*) from T1 GROUP BY key, value WITH ROLLUP
NULL | NULL | 0 00 | 6 |
1 | NULL | 1 10 | 2 |
1 | NULL | 3 11 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 3 11 | 1 |
2 | NULL | 1 10 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 3 11 | 1 |
3 | NULL | 1 10 | 2 |
3 | NULL | 3 11 | 1 |
3 | 3 | 3 11 | 1 |
4 | NULL | 1 10 | 1 |
4 | 5 | 3 11 | 1 |
GROUPING__ID转变为二进制,如果对应位上有值为null,说明这列本身值就是null。(通过类DataFilterNull.py 扫描,可以筛选过滤掉列中null、“”统计结果),
主要围绕..over( partitoin by ..) ..
select f.udid,f.from_id,f.ins_date from (select /* +MAPJOIN(u) */ u.device_id as udid ,g.device_id as gdid,u.from_id,u.ins_date,row_number() over (partition by u.device_id order by u.ins_date asc) as row_number from user_device_info u left outer join (select device_id from 3g_device_id where log_date<'2013-07-25') g on ( u.device_id = g.device_id ) where u.log_date='2013-07-25' and u.device_id is not null and u.device_id <> '') f where f.gdid is null and row_number=1
apache hive窗口函数官方介绍:http://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDP2/HDP-
apache hive官方:cube、rollup函数介绍:https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Enhanced+Aggregation,+Cube,+Grouping+and+Rollup