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Page page = new Page(); int currPage = 0; // 当前页数 String currentPage = request.getParameter(Constants.CURRENT_PAGE); // 部门代码 if (StringUtils.hasText(currentPage)) currPage = Integer.parseInt(currentPage) - 1; List results = 查询学生列表(Page.getStartOfPage(currPage + 1), Page.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); int resultsCount = 查询学生列表总记录数(); // 设置总记录 page.setTotalCount(resultsCount); request.setAttribute(Constants.RESULT_LIST, results); // 分页数据项 request.setAttribute(Constants.CURRENT_PAGE, currPage + 1); request.setAttribute(Constants.PAGE_SIZE, page.getTotalPageCount()); request.setAttribute(Constants.COUNT, page.getTotalCount()); request.setAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_PATH, request.getRequestURI());
public static int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10;// 默认每页显示数 public static int MAX_PAGE_SIZE=Integer.MAX_VALUE;//最大记录数 private int pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; // 每页的记录数 private int start; // 起始记录 private int totalCount; // 总记录数 private int currentPage; // 当前页 /** * 取总记录数. */ public int getTotalCount() { return this.totalCount; } /** * 取总页数. */ public int getTotalPageCount() { if (totalCount % pageSize == 0) { if (totalCount == 0) return 1; else return totalCount / pageSize; } else return totalCount / pageSize + 1; } /** * 取每页数据容量. */ public int getPageSize() { return pageSize; } /** * 取该页当前页码,页码从1开始. */ public int getCurrentPageNo() { return start / pageSize + 1; } /** * 该页是否有下一页. */ public boolean hasNextPage() { return this.getCurrentPageNo() < this.getTotalPageCount() - 1; } /** * 该页是否有上一页. */ public boolean hasPreviousPage() { return this.getCurrentPageNo() > 1; } /** * 获取任一页第一条数据在数据集的位置,每页条数使用默认值. * * @see #getStartOfPage(int,int) */ public static int getStartOfPage(int pageNo) { return getStartOfPage(pageNo, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); } /** * 获取任一页第一条数据在数据集的位置. * * @param pageNo * 从1开始的页号 * @param pageSize * 每页记录条数 * @return 该页第一条数据 */ public static int getStartOfPage(int pageNo, int pageSize) { return (pageNo - 1) * pageSize; } public int getNextPageNo() { return getCurrentPageNo() + 1; } public int getPreviousPageNo() { return getCurrentPageNo() - 1; } public boolean getHasNextPage() { return this.getCurrentPageNo() < this.getTotalPageCount(); } public boolean getHasPreviousPage() { return this.getCurrentPageNo() > 1; } /** * @return the start */ public int getStart() { return start; } /** * @param start * the start to set */ public void setStart(int start) { this.start = start; } /** * @return the currentPage */ public int getCurrentPage() { return currentPage; } /** * @param currentPage * the currentPage to set */ public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage) { this.currentPage = currentPage; } /** * @param pageSize * the pageSize to set */ public void setPageSize(int pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; } /** * @param totalCount * the totalCount to set */ public void setTotalCount(int totalCount) { this.totalCount = totalCount; }