
Last login: Wed Jul 30 09:44:00 on console
AndyMacBookPro:~ andy$ brew search tex
asciitex     blahtexml  itex2mml     libdrawtext  ptex texinfo
auctex     chktex  latex-mk     libtextcat   rtf2latex2e texmacs
bibtex2html  gettext  latex2html   opendetex    texapp texwrapper
bibtexconv   html2text  latex2rtf    pplatex    texi2html vilistextum

If you meant "tex" precisely:

Installing TeX from source is weird and gross, requires a lot of patches,
and only builds 32-bit (and thus can't use Homebrew deps on Snow Leopard.)

We recommend using a MacTeX distribution: http://www.tug.org/mactex/
