


I. 游戏初始化的相关参数:

#pragma once

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Initialization.h : Defines utility functions for game initialization

typedef unsigned int  DWORD;
typedef long long DWORDLONG;
typedef unsigned char TCHAR;

extern bool CheckStorage(const DWORDLONG diskSpaceNeeded);
extern DWORD ReadCPUSpeed();
extern bool CheckMemory(const DWORDLONG physicalRAMNeeded, const DWORDLONG virtualRAMNeeded);
extern bool IsOnlyInstance(const TCHAR* gameTitle);
extern const TCHAR *GetSaveGameDirectory(HWND hWnd, const TCHAR *gameAppDirectory);
extern bool CheckForJoystick(HWND hWnd);

struct GameOptions
	// Level option 与关卡相关的选项
	std::string m_Level;

	// Rendering options 与渲染相关的选项
	std::string m_Renderer;
	bool m_runFullSpeed;
	Point m_ScreenSize;

	// Sound options 与音频相关
	float m_soundEffectsVolume;			
	float m_musicVolume;				

	// Multiplayer options 多人同时在线选项
	int m_expectedPlayers;				
	int m_listenPort;					
	std::string m_gameHost;				
	int m_numAIs;
	int m_maxAIs;
	int m_maxPlayers;

    // resource cache options 资源缓存
    bool m_useDevelopmentDirectories;

	// TiXmlElement - look at this to find other options added by the developer
	TiXmlDocument *m_pDoc;

	~GameOptions() { SAFE_DELETE(m_pDoc); }

	void Init(const char* xmlFilePath, LPWSTR lpCmdLine);
// Initialization.cpp : Defines utility functions for game initialization

#include "GameCodeStd.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "Initialization.h"

// CheckStorage	对于端游而言的安装.
bool CheckStorage(const DWORDLONG diskSpaceNeeded)
	// Check for enough free disk space on the current disk.
	int const drive = _getdrive();
	struct _diskfree_t diskfree;

	_getdiskfree(drive, &diskfree);

	unsigned __int64 const neededClusters = 
		diskSpaceNeeded /(diskfree.sectors_per_cluster*diskfree.bytes_per_sector);

	if (diskfree.avail_clusters < neededClusters)
		// if you get here you donít have enough disk space!
		GCC_ERROR("CheckStorage Failure: Not enough physical storage.");
		return false;
	return true;

// CheckMemory
bool CheckMemory(const DWORDLONG physicalRAMNeeded, const DWORDLONG virtualRAMNeeded)
	if (status.ullTotalPhys < physicalRAMNeeded)
		// you donít have enough physical memory. Tell the player to go get a real 
		// computer and give this one to his mother. 
		GCC_ERROR("CheckMemory Failure: Not enough physical memory.");
		return false;

	// Check for enough free memory.
	if (status.ullAvailVirtual < virtualRAMNeeded)
		// you donít have enough virtual memory available. 
		// Tell the player to shut down the copy of Visual Studio running in the
		// background, or whatever seems to be sucking the memory dry.
		GCC_ERROR("CheckMemory Failure: Not enough virtual memory.");
		return false;

	char *buff = GCC_NEW char[(unsigned int)virtualRAMNeeded];
	if (buff)
		delete[] buff;
		// even though there is enough memory, it isnít available in one 
		// block, which can be critical for games that manage their own memory
		GCC_ERROR("CheckMemory Failure: Not enough contiguous available memory.");
		return false;
	return true;

// ReadCPUSpeed
DWORD ReadCPUSpeed()
	DWORD BufSize = sizeof(DWORD);
	DWORD dwMHz = 0;
	HKEY hKey;

	// open the key where the proc speed is hidden:
	long lError = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
        0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
	if(lError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		// query the key:
		RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"~MHz", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE) &dwMHz, &BufSize);
	return dwMHz;


	// NOTE: This method is deprecated, and unfortunately not really replaced with
	// anything useful.....

	DDSCAPS2 ddsCaps;
	ZeroMemory(&ddsCaps, sizeof(ddsCaps));
	DWORD dwUsedVRAM = 0;
	DWORD dwTotal=0;
	DWORD dwFree=0;

	// lp_DD points to the IDirectDraw object	
	HRESULT hr = g_pDisplay->GetDirectDraw()->GetAvailableVidMem(&ddsCaps, &dwTotal, &dwFree); 
	// dwUsedVRAM holds the number of bytes of VRAM used
	dwUsedVRAM = dwTotal-dwFree;
	return dwUsedVRAM;								

	return 0;

	// set all the options to decent default valu
	m_Level = "";
	m_Renderer = "Direct3D 9";
	m_runFullSpeed = false;
	m_soundEffectsVolume = 1.0f;			
	m_musicVolume = 1.0f;				
	m_expectedPlayers = 1;
	m_listenPort = -1;					
	std::string m_gameHost = "MrMike-m1710";
	m_numAIs = 1;
	m_maxAIs = 4;
	m_maxPlayers = 4;
	m_ScreenSize = Point(1024,768);
    m_useDevelopmentDirectories = false;

	m_pDoc = NULL;

void GameOptions::Init(const char* xmlFileName, const TCHAR* lpCmdLine)
	// read the XML file
	// if needed, override the XML file with options passed in on the command line.

	m_pDoc = new TiXmlDocument(xmlFileName);
	if (m_pDoc && m_pDoc->LoadFile())
        TiXmlElement *pRoot = m_pDoc->RootElement();
        if (!pRoot)

        // Loop through each child element and load the component
        TiXmlElement* pNode = NULL;
		pNode = pRoot->FirstChildElement("Graphics"); 
		if (pNode)
			std::string attribute;
			attribute = pNode->Attribute("renderer");
			if (attribute != "Direct3D 9" && attribute != "Direct3D 11")
				GCC_ASSERT(0 && "Bad Renderer setting in Graphics options.");
				m_Renderer = attribute;

			if (pNode->Attribute("width"))
				m_ScreenSize.x = atoi(pNode->Attribute("width"));
				if (m_ScreenSize.x < 800) m_ScreenSize.x = 800;

			if (pNode->Attribute("height"))
				m_ScreenSize.y = atoi(pNode->Attribute("height"));
				if (m_ScreenSize.y < 600) m_ScreenSize.y = 600;

			if (pNode->Attribute("runfullspeed"))
				attribute = pNode->Attribute("runfullspeed");
				m_runFullSpeed = (attribute == "yes") ? true : false;

		pNode = pRoot->FirstChildElement("Sound"); 
		if (pNode)
			m_musicVolume = atoi(pNode->Attribute("musicVolume")) / 100.0f;
			m_soundEffectsVolume = atoi(pNode->Attribute("sfxVolume")) / 100.0f;

		pNode = pRoot->FirstChildElement("Multiplayer"); 
		if (pNode)
			m_expectedPlayers = atoi(pNode->Attribute("expectedPlayers"));
			m_numAIs = atoi(pNode->Attribute("numAIs"));
			m_maxAIs = atoi(pNode->Attribute("maxAIs"));
			m_maxPlayers = atoi(pNode->Attribute("maxPlayers"));
			m_listenPort = atoi(pNode->Attribute("listenPort"));
			m_gameHost = pNode->Attribute("gameHost");

        pNode = pRoot->FirstChildElement("ResCache");
        if (pNode)
            std::string attribute(pNode->Attribute("useDevelopmentDirectories"));
            m_useDevelopmentDirectories = ((attribute == "yes") ? (true) : (false));

// IsOnlyInstance
bool IsOnlyInstance(const TCHAR* gameTitle)
	// Find the window.  If active, set and return false
	// Only one game instance may have this mutex at a time...

	HANDLE handle = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, gameTitle);

	// Does anyone else think 'ERROR_SUCCESS' is a bit of an oxymoron?
	if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		HWND hWnd = FindWindow(gameTitle, NULL);
		if (hWnd) 
			// An instance of your game is already running.
			ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
			return false;
	return true;

// GetSaveGameDirectory
const TCHAR *GetSaveGameDirectory(HWND hWnd, const TCHAR *gameAppDirectory)
	static TCHAR m_SaveGameDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	TCHAR userDataPath[MAX_PATH];

	hr = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(hWnd, userDataPath, CSIDL_APPDATA, true);

	_tcscpy_s(m_SaveGameDirectory, userDataPath);
	_tcscat_s(m_SaveGameDirectory, _T("\\"));
	_tcscat_s(m_SaveGameDirectory, gameAppDirectory);

	// Does our directory exist?
	if (0xffffffff == GetFileAttributes(m_SaveGameDirectory))
		if (SHCreateDirectoryEx(hWnd, m_SaveGameDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return false;
	_tcscat_s(m_SaveGameDirectory, _T("\\"));

	return m_SaveGameDirectory;

// bool CheckForJoystick 手柄检测
bool CheckForJoystick(HWND hWnd)
	JOYINFO joyinfo; 
	UINT wNumDevs; 
	BOOL bDev1Attached, bDev2Attached; 
    if((wNumDevs = joyGetNumDevs()) == 0) 
        return false; 
    bDev1Attached = joyGetPos(JOYSTICKID1,&joyinfo) != JOYERR_UNPLUGGED; 
    bDev2Attached = joyGetPos(JOYSTICKID2,&joyinfo) != JOYERR_UNPLUGGED; 
		joySetCapture(hWnd, JOYSTICKID1, 1000/30, true);   
	if (bDev2Attached)   
		joySetCapture(hWnd, JOYSTICKID2, 1000/30, true);   

	return true;

II. 游戏过程 > GameProcess

#pragma once
// Process.h : defines common game events
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std::shared_ptr;
using namespace std::weak_ptr;

class Process;
typedef shared_ptr<Process> StrongProcessPtr;
typedef weak_ptr<Process> WeakProcessPtr;

// Process class
// Processes are ended by one of three methods: Success, Failure, or Aborted.
//		- Success means the process completed successfully.  If the process has a child, it will be attached to the process mgr.
//		- Failure means the process started but failed in some way.  If the process has a child, it will be aborted.
//		- Aborted processes are processes that are canceled while not submitted to the process mgr.  Depending on the circumstances, they may or may not have gotten an OnInit() call.

//  For example, a process can
//		  spawn another process and call AttachToParent() on itself.  If the new process fails, the child will get an Abort() call on it, even though its status is RUNNING.
class Process
	friend class ProcessManager;

	enum State
		// Processes that are neither dead nor alive
		UNINITIALIZED = 0,  // created but not running
		REMOVED,  // removed from the process list but not destroyed; this can happen when a process that is already running is parented to another process

		// Living processes
		RUNNING,  // initialized and running
		PAUSED,  // initialized but paused
		// Dead processes
		SUCCEEDED,  // completed successfully
		FAILED,  // failed to complete
		ABORTED,  // aborted; may not have started
	State m_state;  // the current state of the process
	StrongProcessPtr m_pChild;  // the child process, if any

	// construction
	virtual ~Process(void);
	// interface; these functions should be overridden by the subclass as needed
	virtual void VOnInit(void) { m_state = RUNNING; }  // called during the first update; responsible for setting the initial state (typically RUNNING)
	virtual void VOnUpdate(unsigned long deltaMs) = 0;  // called every frame
	virtual void VOnSuccess(void) { }  // called if the process succeeds (see below)
	virtual void VOnFail(void) { }  // called if the process fails (see below)
	virtual void VOnAbort(void) { }  // called if the process is aborted (see below)

	// Functions for ending the process.
	inline void Succeed(void);
	inline void Fail(void);
	// pause
	inline void Pause(void);
	inline void UnPause(void);

	// accessors
	State GetState(void) const { return m_state; }
	bool IsAlive(void) const { return (m_state == RUNNING || m_state == PAUSED); }
	bool IsDead(void) const { return (m_state == SUCCEEDED || m_state == FAILED || m_state == ABORTED); }
	bool IsRemoved(void) const { return (m_state == REMOVED); }
	bool IsPaused(void) const { return m_state == PAUSED; }

	// child functions
	inline void AttachChild(StrongProcessPtr pChild);
	StrongProcessPtr RemoveChild(void);  // releases ownership of the child
	StrongProcessPtr PeekChild(void) { return m_pChild; }  // doesn't release ownership of the child

	void SetState(State newState) { m_state = newState; }

// Inline function definitions
inline void Process::Succeed(void)
	GCC_ASSERT(m_state == RUNNING || m_state == PAUSED);
	m_state = SUCCEEDED;

inline void Process::Fail(void)
	GCC_ASSERT(m_state == RUNNING || m_state == PAUSED);
	m_state = FAILED;

inline void Process::AttachChild(StrongProcessPtr pChild)
	if (m_pChild)
		m_pChild = pChild;

inline void Process::Pause(void)
	if (m_state == RUNNING)
		m_state = PAUSED;
		GCC_WARNING("Attempting to pause a process that isn't running");

inline void Process::UnPause(void)
	if (m_state == PAUSED)
		m_state = RUNNING;
		GCC_WARNING("Attempting to unpause a process that isn't paused");

inline StrongProcessPtr Process::GetTopLevelProcess(void)
	if (m_pParent)
		return m_pParent->GetTopLevelProcess();
		return this;

III. 游戏的Process管理类

#pragma once
// ProcessManager.h : defines common game events

#include "Process.h"
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std::list>;

class ProcessManager
	typedef std::list<StrongProcessPtr> ProcessList;

	ProcessList m_processList;

	// construction 明显的没有virtual 因为没有子类继承

	// interface
	unsigned int UpdateProcesses(unsigned long deltaMs);  // updates all attached processes
	WeakProcessPtr AttachProcess(StrongProcessPtr pProcess);  // attaches a process to the process mgr
	void AbortAllProcesses(bool immediate);

	// accessors
	unsigned int GetProcessCount(void) const { return m_processList.size(); }

	void ClearAllProcesses(void);  // should only be called by the destructor
// ProcessManager.cpp : defines common game events

#include "GameCodeStd.h"
#include "ProcessManager.h"

// Destructor

// The process update tick.  Called every logic tick.  This function returns the number of process chains that 
// succeeded in the upper 32 bits and the number of process chains that failed or were aborted in the lower 32 bits.
unsigned int ProcessManager::UpdateProcesses(unsigned long deltaMs)
    unsigned short int successCount = 0;
    unsigned short int failCount = 0;

    ProcessList::iterator it = m_processList.begin();
    while (it != m_processList.end())
        // grab the next process
        StrongProcessPtr pCurrProcess = (*it);

        // save the iterator and increment the old one in case we need to remove this process from the list
        ProcessList::iterator thisIt = it;

        // process is uninitialized, so initialize it
        if (pCurrProcess->GetState() == Process::UNINITIALIZED)

        // give the process an update tick if it's running
        if (pCurrProcess->GetState() == Process::RUNNING)

        // check to see if the process is dead
        if (pCurrProcess->IsDead())
            // run the appropriate exit function
            switch (pCurrProcess->GetState())
                case Process::SUCCEEDED :
                    StrongProcessPtr pChild = pCurrProcess->RemoveChild();
                    if (pChild)
                        ++successCount;  // only counts if the whole chain completed

                case Process::FAILED :

                case Process::ABORTED :

            // remove the process and destroy it

    return ((successCount << 16) | failCount);

// Attaches the process to the process list so it can be run on the next update.
WeakProcessPtr ProcessManager::AttachProcess(StrongProcessPtr pProcess)
    return WeakProcessPtr(pProcess);

// Clears all processes (and DOESN'T run any exit code)
void ProcessManager::ClearAllProcesses(void)

// Aborts all processes.  If immediate == true, it immediately calls each ones OnAbort() function and destroys all 
// the processes.
void ProcessManager::AbortAllProcesses(bool immediate)
    ProcessList::iterator it = m_processList.begin();
    while (it != m_processList.end())
        ProcessList::iterator tempIt = it;

        StrongProcessPtr pProcess = *tempIt;
        if (pProcess->IsAlive())
            if (immediate)


