How to install FlexPMD in Flex Builder 4.5

FlexPMD is an eclipse plugin that detects common bad practices in your AS3 or Flex code.
The installation process is the same for all Eclipse-based editors, like FDT or Flash Builder.

  1. Go to Help>Install New Software:
  2. Type in:
    Select FlexPMD:
  3. Click Next, Next, Accept T&C, Finish
  4. Restart Flash Builder when prompted.
  5. Download the FlexPMD Command line tools from here:
  6. Unzip the zip file somewhere (eg. ~/tools)
  7. In Flash Builder(or FDT) go to Preferences>FlexPMD:
  8. Click Browse next to: FlexPMD Command Line Installation
    Browse to your unzipped folder and select: flex-pmd-command-line-1.1.jar

How to use FlexPMD

  1. Right click on your project in the Package Explorer
    go to FlexPMD>Run FlexPMD:
  2. You can see the results in the FlexPMD View:


The reason for FlexPMD not to show any results is probably because you have spaces in the full absolute path to the folder you want to check (e.g. C:\users\yourusername\…\Flash Builder Workspace\yourprojectname\src). FlexPMD doesn’t seem to like spaces and crashes silently.

Another important thing is that FlexPMD needs to have the rights to write it’s results to disk. In Windowns 7 this also may cause FlexPMD to crash silently.
You can fix this problem by changing the FlexPMD preferences (Flash Builder>Window>Preferences>FlexPMD) where it says “Java command line” to “java -Xmx256m\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Local\Temp”


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