.net 物理引擎收集


介紹:開源免費好用。ODE is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. It is fully featured, stable, mature and platform independent with an easy to use C/C++ API. It has advanced joint types and integrated collision detection with friction. ODE is useful for simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments and virtual creatures. It is currently used in many computer games, 3D authoring tools and simulation tools.




介紹:專門為XNA寫的物理引擎。At initial stage it will support ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) but later it will support XNA Bullet for both XBox360 and PC support.


Farseer Physics Engine

介紹:支持XNA 和 Silverlight的2D引擎。The Farseer Physics Engine is an easy to use 2D physics engine designed for Microsoft’s XNA and Silverlight platforms. The Farseer Physics Engine focuses on simplicity, useful features, and enabling the creation of fun, dynamic games.

The Farseer Physics Engine was developed by Jeff Weber of Farseer Games



Torque X

介紹:Torque X is a completely new engine designed from the bottom up to harness the power of XNA. It is written entirely in C# and is based on the best parts of other Torque Technologies. The result is the most powerful C# game engine on the planet.




介紹:Raven is a full fledged Game engine previously based upon FlatRedBall 2.5D engine, but now due to the release of XNA we are moving towards a more Game Component based Game Engine. Build solely on Managed DirectX and C# we hope to build a game engine that makes it easy for small time developers to create games they love and like.



Carot XNA

介紹:CAROT ENGINE is an XNA game engine brought to you by at least one of the minds (zeromus) behind the venerable VERGE game engine.  With a special focus on simple 2d operations, compatibility with the classic Verge file formats (maps, tilesets, characters, pakfiles), and RPG fundamentals, CAROT ENGINE is the quickest way to get started with an XNA RPG, and the most powerful way for pros to skip into a rich environment with a minimal of overhead.

下載: http://garnet.pi-r-squared.com/svn/carotengine        guest ,no password


Oops! Framework

介紹:The Oops! Framework includes many game services and components that extend Microsoft's XNA Framework. The most noteworthy of these components is an easy to use 3D Physics game component/framework that runs on Windows...and XBOX 360!!!



Ageia PhysX Novodex NET Wrapper



Tao Framework for .NET

介紹:不單單是個物理引擎,還包含了其他東西的。The Tao Framework for .NET is a collection of bindings to facilitate cross-platform media application development utilizing the .NET and Mono platforms.










