AVL树 VS 红黑树



“AVL trees are actually easier to implement than RB trees because there are fewer cases. And AVL trees require O(1) rotations on an insertion, whereas red-black trees require O(lg n).
In practice, the speed of AVL trees versus red-black trees will depend on the data that you're inserting. If your data is well distributed, so that an unbalanced binary tree would generally be acceptable (i.e. roughly in random order), but you want to handle bad cases anyway, then red-black trees will be faster because they do less unnecessary rebalancing of already acceptable data.On the other hand, if a pathological insertion order (e.g. increasing order of key) is common, then AVL trees will be faster, because the stricter balancing rule will reduce the tree's height.
Splay trees might be even faster than either RB or AVL trees,depending on your data access distribution. And if you can use a hash instead of a tree, then that'll be fastest of all. ”



常见的平衡二叉树有红黑树和AVL树两种,其中红黑树应用更广,C#/Java/C++STL等若干数据结构内部都是用红黑树实现的,然而Windows这次选择了AVL树。根据 《数据结构与算法C语言描述》,AVL树的最大高度是1.44 * log(N+2) - 1.328,红黑树的最大高度是2.00* log(N+1)。与红黑树相比,AVL树的插入删除操作更慢一些,但是查询操作更快。想必对进程地址空间的查询操作更频繁一些,所以AVL得以入选。
