《Designing Interfaces, 2nd》读书笔记,第二章 组织内容:信息架构与应用结构了解用户行为

Chapter 2:Organizing the Content: Information Architecture and ApplicationStructure




Whatobjects are being shown to the users? How are they categorized and ordered?What do users need to do with them? And now that you’re thinking abstractlyabout them, how many ways can you design a presentation of those things andtasks?



Informationarchitecture (IA) is the art of organizing an information space. It encompassesmany things: presenting, searching, browsing, labeling, categorizing, sorting,manipulating, and strategically hiding information. Especially if you’reworking with a new product, this is where you should start.



Any suchpage will primarily do one of these things:

1.  Show one single thing, such as a map, book,video, or game 显示一种实体,例如地图、书或游戏等

2.  Show a list or set of things 列出一组实体

3.  Provide tools to create a thing提供工具用于创建

4.  Facilitate a task 促进一项任务



1.  Feature, Search, and Browse 特色展示、搜索与浏览

2.  News Stream 新闻流

3.  Picture Manager 图片管理器

4.  Dashboard 仪表板

5.  Canvas Plus Palette 画布和调色板

6.  Wizard 向导

7.  Settings Editor 配置编辑器

8.  Alternative Views 多视图

9.  Many Workspaces 多工作区

10.  Multi-Level Help 多级帮助


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