TSS: Velocity: A template engine, Rule engine, or both?

TheServerSide在3.10日发了一篇文章:Velocity: A template engine, Rule engine, or both(http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=32467)

该文作者介绍了如何利用velocity作为rule engine来实现rule判定。结果引来网友的口诛笔伐。并提供了更好的方案连接:http://java-source.net/open-source/rule-engines

网友peter lin(中国人?)认为一旦使用velocity作为rule engine,当系统发生如下6点变化时(见下)将面临系统可测量性和运行性能两个问题。
1. 规则数量的增长
2. 每个规则所包含的条件数增长
3. 规则的复杂性。规则本身引入的对象数量。(Measured by the number of objects a rule involves)
4. 对象属性的比较导致的复杂性。(complexity of the rule as object attributes are compared to each other. in others joining object attributes)
5. selective firing of rules and grouping of rules
6. resolution of potential comflicts


