哈希表:hash(杂乱信息的意思) 的音译,用来把一些杂乱无章的信息根据其关键字的特点映射到一个连续的空间,操作简单,用途广泛,例如:电子词典。
这里用到的映射方法称为 索引方法。对应的实现函数称为哈希函数。将映射后的值称为索引。
int hashInt1(int nKey, int uBucketCount) { return nKey % uBucketCount; } // 一种优化的方式 // 把 uBucketCount 定义为1024, 2048 ... 2的幂 // uMask 的值为 uBucketCount - 1, 这样uMask的二进制值全部为 '1' // 用key 和 uMask 进行与运算。 int hashInt2(int nKey, int uMask) { return nKey & uMask; }
int hashString(char* strKey, int uBucketCount) { int i = 0; int nRet = 0; int nHashValue = 0; char* p = strKey; while(*p != '\0') { <span style="white-space:pre"> </span><span style="color:#ff0000;">// 这里把字符串分组,并把每组转换为一个整数 <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>// 这个转换方法可以自己定义,按照key的特征灵活选择</span> if (i == 5) { i = 0; nRet += nHashValue; nHashValue = 0; } <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>nHashValue += nHashValue << 3; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>nHashValue += (int)(*p); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>p++; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>i++; } nRet += nHashValue; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return nRet % uBucketCount; }
//<span style="color:#ff0000;"> 例:平方后取234位(个位为第0位)作为hash值</span> int hashSqrMid234(int nKey) { int nRet =0; int nHashValue = 0; nHashValue = nKey * nKey; nRet = nHashValue / 100000; nHashValue = nHashValue /100; nRet = nHashValue % (nRet * 1000); return nRet; }
H(i) = ( Hash ( key ) + P(i) ) % uBucketCount
P(i) = 1
二次探测法 和伪随机探测法:
P(i) = i * i 时 为二次探测法
P(i) = 随机序列时 为伪随机探测法
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #ifndef __HASH_TABLE_H__ #define __HASH_TABLE_H__ typedef struct _SINGLE_NODE { int nData; _SINGLE_NODE *pNext; }SINGLE_NODE; class MyHashTable { public: MyHashTable(); ~MyHashTable(); int InsertHashTable(int nData); int FindHash(int nData); void DeleteHash(int nData); private: SINGLE_NODE ** m_pBucket; int m_nBucketCount; int m_nNodeCount; int m_nCurrNodeID; SINGLE_NODE * m_pCurrentNode; int calcHash(int nKey); }; #endif
#include "hash_table.h" int hashInt1(int nKey, int uBucketCount) { return nKey % uBucketCount; } // 一种优化的方式 // 把 uBucketCount 定义为1024, 2048 ... 2的幂 // uMask 的值为 uBucketCount - 1, 这样uMask的二进制值全部为 '1' // 用key 和 uMask 进行与运算。 int hashInt2(int nKey, int uMask) { return nKey & uMask; } int hashString(char* strKey, int uBucketCount) { int i = 0; int nRet = 0; int nHashValue = 0; char* p = strKey; while(*p != '\0') { // 这里把字符串分组,并把每组转换为一个整数 // 这个转换方法可以自己定义,按照key的特征灵活选择 if (i == 5) { i = 0; nRet += nHashValue; nHashValue = 0; } nHashValue += nHashValue << 3; nHashValue += (int)(*p); p++; i++; } nRet += nHashValue; return nRet % uBucketCount; } int hashSqrMid234(int nKey) { int nRet =0; int nHashValue = 0; nHashValue = nKey * nKey; // 5499025 nRet = nHashValue / 100000; // 549 nHashValue = nHashValue /100; // 54990 nRet = nHashValue % (nRet * 1000); return nRet; } MyHashTable::MyHashTable() { m_nBucketCount = 1024; m_nNodeCount = 0; m_nCurrNodeID = 0; m_pCurrentNode = NULL; m_pBucket = (SINGLE_NODE**)malloc(m_nBucketCount * sizeof(SINGLE_NODE*)); memset(m_pBucket, 0, m_nBucketCount * sizeof(SINGLE_NODE*)); } MyHashTable::~MyHashTable() { SINGLE_NODE *pNode = NULL; for (int i = 0 ; i < m_nBucketCount; i++) { pNode = m_pBucket[i]; while (pNode != NULL) { m_pBucket[i] = pNode->pNext; free(pNode); pNode = NULL; pNode = m_pBucket[i]; } } } int MyHashTable::calcHash(int nKey) { return hashInt1(nKey, m_nBucketCount); } int MyHashTable::InsertHashTable(int nData) { SINGLE_NODE *pNode = NULL; SINGLE_NODE *pNewNode; int nHashValue; pNewNode = (SINGLE_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(SINGLE_NODE)); nHashValue = calcHash(nData); pNode = m_pBucket[nHashValue]; cout << "Insert Hash Key: " << nHashValue << " Value=" << nData << endl; pNewNode->nData = nData; pNewNode->pNext = pNode; m_pBucket[nHashValue] = pNewNode; m_nNodeCount += 1; return m_nNodeCount; } int MyHashTable::FindHash(int nData) { SINGLE_NODE *pNode; int nHashValue; nHashValue = calcHash(nData); pNode = m_pBucket[nHashValue]; while(pNode != NULL) { if (pNode->nData == nData) { cout << "FindHash find it Key= " <<nHashValue << " Data=" << pNode->nData << endl; return pNode->nData; } pNode = pNode->pNext; } return -1; } void MyHashTable::DeleteHash(int nData) { SINGLE_NODE *pNode; int nHashValue; nHashValue = calcHash(nData); pNode = m_pBucket[nHashValue]; if (pNode != NULL) { m_pBucket[nHashValue] = pNode->pNext; free(pNode); pNode = NULL; } }
#include "hash_table.h" void main() { int testArr[10] = {123, 4332,223,8664,2239,89777,54455,32,23,64322}; int i = 0; MyHashTable hashTable; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { hashTable.InsertHashTable(testArr[i]); } cout << endl; cout << "Finding the hash kes and values" << endl; cout << endl; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (hashTable.FindHash(testArr[i]) != -1) { cout << "========================" << endl; } } hashTable.DeleteHash(testArr[3]); cout << endl; cout << "Test the 3 the key is deleted" << endl; cout << endl; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (hashTable.FindHash(testArr[i]) != -1) { cout << "========================" << endl; } } cin >> i; }
Insert Hash Key: 123 Value=123
Insert Hash Key: 236 Value=4332
Insert Hash Key: 223 Value=223
Insert Hash Key: 472 Value=8664
Insert Hash Key: 191 Value=2239
Insert Hash Key: 689 Value=89777
Insert Hash Key: 183 Value=54455
Insert Hash Key: 32 Value=32
Insert Hash Key: 23 Value=23
Insert Hash Key: 834 Value=64322
Finding the hash kes and values
FindHash find it Key= 123 Data=123
FindHash find it Key= 236 Data=4332
FindHash find it Key= 223 Data=223
FindHash find it Key= 472 Data=8664
FindHash find it Key= 191 Data=2239
FindHash find it Key= 689 Data=89777
FindHash find it Key= 183 Data=54455
FindHash find it Key= 32 Data=32
FindHash find it Key= 23 Data=23
FindHash find it Key= 834 Data=64322
Test the 3 the key is deleted
FindHash find it Key= 123 Data=123
FindHash find it Key= 236 Data=4332
FindHash find it Key= 223 Data=223
FindHash find it Key= 191 Data=2239
FindHash find it Key= 689 Data=89777
FindHash find it Key= 183 Data=54455
FindHash find it Key= 32 Data=32
FindHash find it Key= 23 Data=23
FindHash find it Key= 834 Data=64322
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #ifndef __HASH_LINK_TABLE_H__ #define __HASH_LINK_TABLE_H__ typedef struct _SINGLE_NODE { int nData; _SINGLE_NODE *pHashNext; _SINGLE_NODE *pPrev; _SINGLE_NODE *pNext; }SINGLE_NODE; class MyHashTable { public: MyHashTable(); ~MyHashTable(); int InsertHashTable(int nData); int FindHash(int nData); void DeleteHash(int nData); void ShowSortLink(); private: SINGLE_NODE ** m_pBucket; int m_nBucketCount; int m_nNodeCount; int m_nCurrNodeID; SINGLE_NODE * m_pCurrentNode; SINGLE_NODE * m_pLinkHead; SINGLE_NODE * m_pLinkTail; int calcHash(int nKey); }; #endif
#include "hash_link_table.h" int hashInt1(int nKey, int uBucketCount) { return nKey % uBucketCount; } // 一种优化的方式 // 把 uBucketCount 定义为1024, 2048 ... 2的幂 // uMask 的值为 uBucketCount - 1, 这样uMask的二进制值全部为 '1' // 用key 和 uMask 进行与运算。 int hashInt2(int nKey, int uMask) { return nKey & uMask; } int hashString(char* strKey, int uBucketCount) { int i = 0; int nRet = 0; int nHashValue = 0; char* p = strKey; while(*p != '\0') { // 这里把字符串分组,并把每组转换为一个整数 // 这个转换方法可以自己定义,按照key的特征灵活选择 if (i == 5) { i = 0; nRet += nHashValue; nHashValue = 0; } nHashValue += nHashValue << 3; nHashValue += (int)(*p); p++; i++; } nRet += nHashValue; return nRet % uBucketCount; } int hashSqrMid234(int nKey) { int nRet =0; int nHashValue = 0; nHashValue = nKey * nKey; // 5499025 nRet = nHashValue / 100000; // 549 nHashValue = nHashValue /100; // 54990 nRet = nHashValue % (nRet * 1000); return nRet; } MyHashTable::MyHashTable() { m_nBucketCount = 1024; m_nNodeCount = 0; m_nCurrNodeID = 0; m_pCurrentNode = NULL; m_pLinkHead = NULL; m_pLinkTail = NULL; m_pBucket = (SINGLE_NODE**)malloc(m_nBucketCount * sizeof(SINGLE_NODE*)); memset(m_pBucket, 0, m_nBucketCount * sizeof(SINGLE_NODE*)); } MyHashTable::~MyHashTable() { SINGLE_NODE *pNode = NULL; for (int i = 0 ; i < m_nBucketCount; i++) { pNode = m_pBucket[i]; while (pNode != NULL) { m_pBucket[i] = pNode->pNext; free(pNode); pNode = NULL; pNode = m_pBucket[i]; } } } int MyHashTable::calcHash(int nKey) { return hashInt1(nKey, m_nBucketCount); } int MyHashTable::InsertHashTable(int nData) { SINGLE_NODE *pNode = NULL; SINGLE_NODE *pNewNode; int nHashValue; pNewNode = (SINGLE_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(SINGLE_NODE)); nHashValue = calcHash(nData); pNode = m_pBucket[nHashValue]; cout << "Insert Hash Key: " << nHashValue << " Value=" << nData << endl; pNewNode->nData = nData; pNewNode->pHashNext = pNode; m_pBucket[nHashValue] = pNewNode; m_nNodeCount += 1; // add to link pNewNode->pNext = NULL; pNewNode->pPrev = NULL; if (m_pLinkHead == NULL) { m_pLinkHead = pNewNode; m_pLinkTail = pNewNode; } else { pNode = m_pLinkHead; while ((pNode->pNext != NULL) && (pNewNode->nData > pNode->nData)) { pNode = pNode->pNext; } if ((pNode->pNext == NULL) && (pNewNode->nData > pNode->nData)) { pNewNode->pPrev = pNode; pNode->pNext = pNewNode; m_pLinkTail = pNewNode; } else { pNewNode->pPrev = pNode->pPrev; if (pNode != m_pLinkHead) { pNode->pPrev->pNext = pNewNode; } else { m_pLinkHead = pNewNode; } pNewNode->pNext = pNode; pNode->pPrev = pNewNode; } } return m_nNodeCount; } void MyHashTable::ShowSortLink() { SINGLE_NODE *pNode = m_pLinkHead; cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Show all the node ==========================" << endl; while(pNode != NULL) { cout << "key= " << pNode->nData << " "; pNode = pNode->pNext; } cout << endl; cout << endl; } int MyHashTable::FindHash(int nData) { SINGLE_NODE *pNode; int nHashValue; nHashValue = calcHash(nData); pNode = m_pBucket[nHashValue]; while(pNode != NULL) { if (pNode->nData == nData) { cout << "FindHash find it Key= " <<nHashValue << " Data=" << pNode->nData << endl; return pNode->nData; } pNode = pNode->pNext; } return -1; } void MyHashTable::DeleteHash(int nData) { SINGLE_NODE *pNode; int nHashValue; nHashValue = calcHash(nData); pNode = m_pBucket[nHashValue]; if (pNode != NULL) { m_pBucket[nHashValue] = pNode->pNext; pNode->pPrev->pNext = pNode->pNext; pNode->pNext->pPrev = pNode->pPrev; free(pNode); pNode = NULL; } }
#include "hash_link_table.h" void main() { int testArr[10] = {123, 4332,223,8664,2239,89777,54455,32,23,64322}; int i = 0; MyHashTable hashTable; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { hashTable.InsertHashTable(testArr[i]); } cout << endl; cout << "Finding the hash kes and values" << endl; cout << endl; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (hashTable.FindHash(testArr[i]) != -1) { cout << "========================" << endl; } } hashTable.ShowSortLink(); hashTable.DeleteHash(testArr[3]); cout << endl; cout << "Test the 3 the key is deleted" << endl; cout << endl; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (hashTable.FindHash(testArr[i]) != -1) { cout << "========================" << endl; } } hashTable.ShowSortLink(); cin >> i; }
Insert Hash Key: 123 Value=123
Insert Hash Key: 236 Value=4332
Insert Hash Key: 223 Value=223
Insert Hash Key: 472 Value=8664
Insert Hash Key: 191 Value=2239
Insert Hash Key: 689 Value=89777
Insert Hash Key: 183 Value=54455
Insert Hash Key: 32 Value=32
Insert Hash Key: 23 Value=23
Insert Hash Key: 834 Value=64322
Finding the hash kes and values
FindHash find it Key= 123 Data=123
FindHash find it Key= 236 Data=4332
FindHash find it Key= 223 Data=223
FindHash find it Key= 472 Data=8664 test deleting
FindHash find it Key= 191 Data=2239
FindHash find it Key= 689 Data=89777
FindHash find it Key= 183 Data=54455
FindHash find it Key= 32 Data=32
FindHash find it Key= 23 Data=23
FindHash find it Key= 834 Data=64322
Show all the node ==========================
key= 23 key= 32 key= 123 key= 223 key= 2239 key= 4332 key= 8664 key= 54455 key= 64322 key= 89777
Test the 3 the key is deleted
FindHash find it Key= 123 Data=123
FindHash find it Key= 236 Data=4332
FindHash find it Key= 223 Data=223
FindHash find it Key= 191 Data=2239
FindHash find it Key= 689 Data=89777
FindHash find it Key= 183 Data=54455
FindHash find it Key= 32 Data=32
FindHash find it Key= 23 Data=23
FindHash find it Key= 834 Data=64322
Show all the node ==========================
key= 23 key= 32 key= 123 key= 223 key= 2239 key= 4332 key= 54455 key= 64322 key= 89777