


  • deploy:pending (2)
  • deploy:web (2)


  • deploy
  • deploy:check
  • deploy:cleanup
  • deploy:cold
  • deploy:finalize_update
  • deploy:migrate
  • deploy:migrations
  • deploy:restart
  • deploy:rollback
  • deploy:rollback_code
  • deploy:setup
  • deploy:start
  • deploy:stop
  • deploy:symlink
  • deploy:update
  • deploy:update_code
  • deploy:upload

Task documentation


Deploys your project. This calls both `update’ and `restart’. Note that this will generally only work for applications that have already been deployed once. For a “cold” deploy, you’ll want to take a look at the `deploy:cold’ task, which handles the cold start specifically.

deploy:check, {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}

Test deployment dependencies. Checks things like directory permissions, necessary utilities, and so forth, reporting on the things that appear to be incorrect or missing. This is good for making sure a deploy has a chance of working before you actually run `cap deploy’.

You can define your own dependencies, as well, using the `depend’ method:

depend :remote, :gem, "tzinfo", ">=0.3.3" 
depend :local, :command, "svn" 
depend :remote, :directory, "/u/depot/files"

deploy:cleanup, {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}

Clean up old releases. By default, the last 5 releases are kept on each server (though you can change this with the keep_releases variable). All other deployed revisions are removed from the servers. By default, this will use sudo to clean up the old releases, but if sudo is not available for your environment, set the :use_sudo variable to false instead.


Deploys and starts a `cold’ application. This is useful if you have not deployed your application before, or if your application is (for some other reason) not currently running. It will deploy the code, run any pending migrations, and then instead of invoking `deploy:restart’, it will invoke `deploy:start’ to fire up the application servers.

deploy:finalize_update, {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}

[internal] Touches up the released code. This is called by update_code after the basic deploy finishes. It assumes a Rails project was deployed, so if you are deploying something else, you may want to override this task with your own environment’s requirements.

This task will make the release group-writable (if the :group_writable variable is set to true, which is the default). It will then set up symlinks to the shared directory for the log, system, and tmp/pids directories, and will lastly touch all assets in public/images, public/stylesheets, and public/javascripts so that the times are consistent (so that asset timestamping works).

deploy:migrate, {:only=>{:primary=>true}, :roles=>:db}

Run the migrate rake task. By default, it runs this in most recently deployed version of the app. However, you can specify a different release via the migrate_target variable, which must be one of :latest (for the default behavior), or :current (for the release indicated by the `current’ symlink). Strings will work for those values instead of symbols, too. You can also specify additional environment variables to pass to rake via the migrate_env variable. Finally, you can specify the full path to the rake executable by setting the rake variable. The defaults are:

set :rake,           "rake" 
set :rails_env,      "production" 
set :migrate_env,    "" 
set :migrate_target, :latest


Deploy and run pending migrations. This will work similarly to the `deploy’ task, but will also run any pending migrations (via the `deploy:migrate’ task) prior to updating the symlink. Note that the update in this case it is not atomic, and transactions are not used, because migrations are not guaranteed to be reversible.

deploy:restart, {:roles=>:app, :except=>{:no_release=>true}}

Restarts your application. This works by calling the script/process/reaper script under the current path.

By default, this will be invoked via sudo as the `app’ user. If you wish to run it as a different user, set the :runner variable to that user. If you are in an environment where you can’t use sudo, set the :use_sudo variable to false:

set :use_sudo, false


Rolls back to a previous version and restarts. This is handy if you ever discover that you’ve deployed a lemon; `cap rollback’ and you’re right back where you were, on the previously deployed version.

deploy:rollback_code, {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}

Rolls back to the previously deployed version. The `current’ symlink will be updated to point at the previously deployed version, and then the current release will be removed from the servers. You’ll generally want to call `rollback’ instead, as it performs a `restart’ as well.

deploy:setup, {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}

Prepares one or more servers for deployment. Before you can use any of the Capistrano deployment tasks with your project, you will need to make sure all of your servers have been prepared with `cap deploy:setup’. When you add a new server to your cluster, you can easily run the setup task on just that server by specifying the HOSTS environment variable:

$ cap deploy:setup

It is safe to run this task on servers that have already been set up; it will not destroy any deployed revisions or data.

deploy:start, {:roles=>:app}

Start the application servers. This will attempt to invoke a script in your application called `script/spin’, which must know how to start your application listeners. For Rails applications, you might just have that script invoke `script/process/spawner’ with the appropriate arguments.

By default, the script will be executed via sudo as the `app’ user. If you wish to run it as a different user, set the :runner variable to that user. If you are in an environment where you can’t use sudo, set the :use_sudo variable to false.

deploy:stop, {:roles=>:app}

Stop the application servers. This will call script/process/reaper for both the spawner process, and all of the application processes it has spawned. As such, it is fairly Rails specific and may need to be overridden for other systems.

By default, the script will be executed via sudo as the `app’ user. If you wish to run it as a different user, set the :runner variable to that user. If you are in an environment where you can’t use sudo, set the :use_sudo variable to false.

Updates the symlink to the most recently deployed version. Capistrano works by putting each new release of your application in its own directory. When you deploy a new version, this task’s job is to update the `current’ symlink to point at the new version. You will rarely need to call this task directly; instead, use the `deploy’ task (which performs a complete deploy, including `restart’) or the ‘update’ task (which does everything except `restart’).


Copies your project and updates the symlink. It does this in a transaction, so that if either `update_code’ or `symlink’ fail, all changes made to the remote servers will be rolled back, leaving your system in the same state it was in before `update’ was invoked. Usually, you will want to call `deploy’ instead of `update’, but `update’ can be handy if you want to deploy, but not immediately restart your application.

deploy:update_code, {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}

Copies your project to the remote servers. This is the first stage of any deployment; moving your updated code and assets to the deployment servers. You will rarely call this task directly, however; instead, you should call the `deploy’ task (to do a complete deploy) or the `update’ task (if you want to perform the `restart’ task separately).

You will need to make sure you set the :scm variable to the source control software you are using (it defaults to :subversion), and the :deploy_via variable to the strategy you want to use to deploy (it defaults to :checkout).

deploy:upload, {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}

Copy files to the currently deployed version. This is useful for updating files piecemeal, such as when you need to quickly deploy only a single file. Some files, such as updated templates, images, or stylesheets, might not require a full deploy, and especially in emergency situations it can be handy to just push the updates to production, quickly.

To use this task, specify the files and directories you want to copy as a comma-delimited list in the FILES environment variable. All directories will be processed recursively, with all files being pushed to the deployment servers. Any file or directory starting with a ’.’ character will be ignored.

$ cap deploy:upload FILES=templates,controller.rb
