Balsamiq for Desktop allows for some customization via a simple XML file called BalsamiqMockups.cfg. The configuration file allows you to make some software modifications, such as:
Create the file in a text editor (you can use this sample BalsamiqMockups.cfg file as a starting point) and save it to your Local Store folder. You can find this folder by opening the "About" dialog and clicking on the "Open Local Store Folder" link (or go to this pageto see folder locations for all operating systems).
Note: the config file must be saved to plain text format! It will NOT work if you save your config file to RTF, or with the .cfg.txt or .cfg.rtf extensions. If you are using, to save in plain text format select Format > Make Plain Text from the menu.
The config file might look like this:
<fontFace>Architect Small Block</fontFace>
<documentsPath>C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\Desktop</documentsPath>
A config file is only necessary if you want to set up your documents outside of the typical "Documents/Balsamiq Mockups" folder. Account and Project assets should work without needing a config file in a typical set up.
If your computer username is Bob, for instance, and you want to use a folder in /Users/Bob/Documents/Work/Balsamiq Mockups/ set the documentsPath element like this:<documentsPath>/Users/Bob/Documents/Work</documentsPath>
Mockups is just looking for the parent location, and "Balsamiq Mockups" is assumed.
Please also see the article on sharing symbols across projects for more information about account assets.
Here are some examples for how to set up your documents path so that account assets will work with cloud drives. This assumes that you will have a folder named "Balsamiq Mockups" under your DropBox or Google Drive. Change your computer name where applicable below.
Mac OS
<documentsPath>/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/YOUR COMPUTER NAME/Dropbox</documentsPath>
Google Drive
<documentsPath>/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/YOUR COMPUTER NAME/Google Drive</documentsPath>
The path may vary depending on your version and setup of Windows. Please check Windows Explorer to get the correct path.
<documentsPath>C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER NAME\Dropbox\</documentsPath>
Google Drive
<documentsPath>C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER NAME\Google Drive\</documentsPath>
Please also see the article on sharing symbols across projects for more information about account assets.