
2014-01-15 wcdj

1 问题背景

后台系统有一个单线程的http接口,为了提高并发处理能力,开启多个线程并发在跑,修改后接口的响应确实得到提高,但是server每3分钟出现一次crash。原因是系统使用的是curl-7.21.1(August 11 2010)的库,此版本并非线程安全。遂替换了最新的curl-7.34.0(December 12 2013)库,悲催的是时隔几小时还是会偶现crash,于是再仔细阅读官方文档。


官方对最新版本libcurl的Multi-threading Issues解释如下[1]

The first basic rule is that you mustneversimultaneously share a libcurl handle (be it easy or multi or whatever) betweenmultiple threads. Only use one handle in one thread at any time. You can passthe handles around among threads, but you must never use a single handle frommore than one thread at any given time.


libcurl is completely thread safe, except for two issues:signals and SSL/TLS handlers. Signals are used for timingout name resolves (during DNS lookup) - when built without c-ares support andnot on Windows.

When using multiple threads youshould set the CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL option to 1 for all handles.Everything will or might work fine except that timeouts are not honored duringthe DNS lookup - which you can work around by building libcurl with c-aressupport. c-ares is a library that provides asynchronous name resolves.On some platforms, libcurl simply will not function properlymulti-threaded unless this option is set.

Also, note that CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE is notthread-safe.



Pass a long. If it is 1, libcurl will not use anyfunctions that install signal handlers or any functions that cause signals tobe sent to the process.This option is mainly here toallow multi-threaded unix applications to still set/use all timeout optionsetc, without risking getting signals. The default value for thisparameter is 0. (Added in 7.10)

If this option is set and libcurl has been built withthe standard name resolver, timeouts will not occur while the name resolvetakes place. Consider building libcurl with c-ares support to enableasynchronous DNS lookups, which enables nice timeouts for name resolves withoutsignals.

Setting CURLOPT_NOSIGNALto 1 makes libcurl NOT ask the system to ignore SIGPIPE signals, whichotherwise are sent by the system when trying to send data to a socket which isclosed in the other end.libcurl makes an effort tonever cause such SIGPIPEs to trigger, but some operating systems have no way toavoid them and even on those that have there are some corner cases when theymay still happen, contrary to our desire. In addition, usingCURLAUTH_NTLM_WBauthentication could cause a SIGCHLD signal to be raised.




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  1. curl_easy_setopt(curl,   CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,   timeout);  
  3. curl_easy_setopt(curl,   CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,          timeout);  



Pass a long. It should contain the maximum time inseconds that you allow the connection to the server to take. This only limitsthe connection phase, once it has connected, this option is of no more use. Setto zero to switch to the default built-in connection timeout - 300 seconds. Seealso theCURLOPT_TIMEOUToption.

In unix-like systems, thismight cause signals to be used unless CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL is set.


Pass a long as parameter containing the maximum timein seconds that you allow the libcurl transfer operation to take. Normally,name lookups can take a considerable time and limiting operations to less thana few minutes risk aborting perfectly normal operations. This option will causecurl to use the SIGALRM to enable time-outing system calls.

In unix-like systems, thismight cause signals to be used unless CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL is set.

Default timeout is 0 (zero) which means it nevertimes out.



2 遗留问题

在官方的Multi-threading Issues描述中并没有提及curl_global_init[4-5]的线程安全问题,而在curl_global_init(3)的接口描述中,提及了curl_global_init是非线程安全的。

This function sets up the program environment thatlibcurl needs. Think of it as an extension of the library loader.

This function must be called atleast once within a program (a program is all the code that shares a memoryspace) before the program calls any other function in libcurl.The environment it sets up is constant for the life of the program and is thesame for every program, so multiple calls have the same effect as one call.

The flags option is a bit pattern that tells libcurlexactly what features to init, as described below. Set the desired bits byORing the values together.In normal operation, youmust specify CURL_GLOBAL_ALL. Don't use any other value unless you arefamiliar with it and mean to control internal operations of libcurl.

This function is not thread safe.You must not call it when any other thread in the program (i.e. a threadsharing the same memory) is running. This doesn't just mean no other threadthat is using libcurl. Because curl_global_init()calls functions of other libraries that are similarly thread unsafe, it couldconflict with any other thread that uses these other libraries.

See the description in libcurl(3)of global environment requirements for details of how to use this function.


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  1. static bool bInit = false;  
  3. if (bInit == false)  
  4. {  
  5.     bInit= true;  
  6.     curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);  
  7. }  
  9. CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();  
  10. if (!curl)  
  11. {  
  12.     //error handle  
  13. }  

3 官网一个多线程的例子

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  1. /* A multi-threaded example that uses pthreads extensively to fetch 
  2.  * X remote files at once */   
  4. #include <stdio.h>  
  5. #include <pthread.h>  
  6. #include <curl/curl.h>  
  8. #define NUMT 4  
  10. /* 
  11.   List of URLs to fetch. 
  13.   If you intend to use a SSL-based protocol here you MUST setup the OpenSSL 
  14.   callback functions as described here: 
  18. */   
  19. const char * const urls[NUMT]= {  
  20.   "",  
  21.   "",  
  22.   "",  
  23.   ""  
  24. };  
  26. static void *pull_one_url(void *url)  
  27. {  
  28.   CURL *curl;  
  30.   curl = curl_easy_init();  
  31.   curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);  
  32.   curl_easy_perform(curl); /* ignores error */   
  33.   curl_easy_cleanup(curl);  
  35.   return NULL;  
  36. }  
  39. /* 
  40.    int pthread_create(pthread_t *new_thread_ID, 
  41.    const pthread_attr_t *attr, 
  42.    void * (*start_func)(void *), void *arg); 
  43. */   
  45. int main(int argc, char **argv)  
  46. {  
  47.   pthread_t tid[NUMT];  
  48.   int i;  
  49.   int error;  
  51.   /* Must initialize libcurl before any threads are started */   
  52.   curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);  
  54.   for(i=0; i< NUMT; i++) {  
  55.     error = pthread_create(&tid[i],  
  56.                            NULL, /* default attributes please */   
  57.                            pull_one_url,  
  58.                            (void *)urls[i]);  
  59.     if(0 != error)  
  60.       fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run thread number %d, errno %d\n", i, error);  
  61.     else  
  62.       fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d, gets %s\n", i, urls[i]);  
  63.   }  
  65.   /* now wait for all threads to terminate */   
  66.   for(i=0; i< NUMT; i++) {  
  67.     error = pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);  
  68.     fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d terminated\n", i);  
  69.   }  
  71.   return 0;  
  72. }  


4 参考





