《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第十三章 项目经理领导力

CHAPTER 13 The Project Manager as Leader



Just as a chameleon changes skin color tomaximize survival, so should you adjust your approach to people, situations,and circumstances to ensure project efficiency.


不要总是呆在自己的comfort zone

Most of us have a natural preferred stylethat we are comfortable with, aptly named the comfort zone. This can often makethe transition from project manager to leader difficult to begin with. It iseasy for you to operate when you are behaving naturally. When circumstancesrequire you to break out of this area, though, it requires a certain amount ofwork. To be an effective project leader you should be cognizant of the reluctanceyou will probably encounter when changing your own behavior.



As project leader, you should encourage risktaking and try to eliminate the fear of failure. If the team is afraid to makemistakes, its ability to perform at a high level will be impeded.



Although it sounds counterintuitive,mistakes can present important opportunities. Not only can you learn from yourmistakes, but you can use them to mold behavior and set the tone of the teamenvironment.



Celebrate. As soon as possible, anaccomplishment, big or small, should be acknowledged and celebrated as a team.As projects begin, a certain amount of inertia must be overcome. Start bycelebrating the small victories, and, as the project progresses, continue toacknowledge good work as appropriate. Many project leaders celebrate with theteam as milestones are reached or predetermined goals are accomplished at theend of each project phase. Whichever method you employ, it is your job to keepthe momentum going by knowing your team and ensuring high morale.



Although you represent the glue that holdsthe team together, you can also be thought of as the chef who is responsiblefor mixing the ingredients of project team member roles, skill sets, andpersonalities to maximize overall performance.



Here are some best practices for efficientlyrun project status meetings:


[1]Statusthe work; don’t expend valuable time accomplishing the work in the meeting.


[1]Establishmeeting ground rules such as:


Minimum number of members for a quorum (enough to hold themeeting).


Consensus (in case of a deadlock, if five members agree, then themeeting proceeds, with the possibility to revisit the issue).


All titles are left at the door (this is worth mentioning again).


Confidentiality (everything said stays in the meeting room).


One person speaks at a time.

[1]Starton time; end on time. 准时开始,准时结束

[1]Appointa timekeeper to help you keep to your schedule. 指定一个时间监督员

[1]Recruita scribe to record and distribute meeting minutes. 指定专人来记录并分配会议时间

[1]Focuson participation to ensure that every voice is heard.

[1]Donot allow extended sidebar discussions. 防止跑题

[1]Ensurethat all electronic devices are off or on vibrate. 把所有电子设备设为无声



Some project teams alternate the role ofscribe. This is a bad idea. If you appoint a single scribe, that individualwill develop efficient habits of recording and distributing the minutes in atimely manner. If the job rotates to share the work, each week will produce adifferent style, and no single team member will develop the aforementionedefficiencies.



As a project leader, you need to be able toidentify and develop team member roles, determine the appropriate approach to conflictresolution, lead project status meetings, and work with virtual team



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