
     本章开始介绍下MonkeyrunnerAPI, 以便了解其具体的使用。

object getProperty (string key) 根据系统属性获取当前系统属性对象

Given the name of a system environment variable, returns its value for this device. The available variable names are listed in the detailed description of this method.

object getProperty (string key)

Given the name of a system environment variable, returns its value for this device.

key The name of the system environment variable. The available variable names are listed in Table 1. Property variable names at the end of this topic.
  • The value of the variable. The data format varies according to the variable requested.

E.g. 获取当前设备的width


width = device.getProperty('display.width')

pring width


Property Group Property Description Notes
build board Code name for the device's system board See Build
brand The carrier or provider for which the OS is customized.
device The device design name.
fingerprint A unique identifier for the currently-running build.
ID A changelist number or label.
model The end-user-visible name for the device.
product The overall product name.
tags Comma-separated tags that describe the build, such as "unsigned" and "debug".
type The build type, such as "user" or "eng".
CPU_ABI The name of the native code instruction set, in the form CPU type plus ABI convention.
manufacturer The product/hardware manufacturer.
version.incremental The internal code used by the source control system to represent this version of the software.
version.release The user-visible name of this version of the software.
version.sdk The user-visible SDK version associated with this version of the OS.
version.codename The current development codename, or "REL" if this version of the software has been released.
display width The device's display width in pixels. See DisplayMetrics for details.
height The device's display height in pixels.
density The logical density of the display. This is a factor that scales DIP (Density-Independent Pixel) units to the device's resolution. DIP is adjusted so that 1 DIP is equivalent to one pixel on a 160 pixel-per-inch display. For example, on a 160-dpi screen, density = 1.0, while on a 120-dpi screen, density = .75.

The value does not exactly follow the real screen size, but is adjusted to conform to large changes in the display DPI. See density for more details.

am.current package The Android package name of the currently running package. The am.current keys return information about the currently-running Activity.
action The current activity's action. This has the same format as the name attribute of the action element in a package manifest.
comp.class The class name of the component that started the current Activity. See comp.package for more details.
comp.package The package name of the component that started the current Activity. A component is specified by a package name and the name of class that the package contains.
data The data (if any) contained in the Intent that started the current Activity.
categories The categories specified by the Intent that started the current Activity.
clock realtime The number of milliseconds since the device rebooted, including deep-sleep time. See SystemClock for more information.
uptime The number of milliseconds since the device rebooted, not including deep-sleep time
millis current time since the UNIX epoch, in milliseconds.
