autoit3 ie.au3 函数之——_IEAction

_IEAction: Perform any of a set of simple actions on the Browser.

即: 查找第一个存在的符合查找字串子串的IE例子,查找方式基于选择的模式.

#include <IE.au3>
_IEAction ( ByRef $o_object, $s_action )


$oIE = _IECreate ("")


$oSubmit = _IEGetObjById ($oIE, "su")

_IEAction ($oSubmit, "click")

_IELoadWait ($oIE)


Action Description
"back" Navigates backward one item in the history list.
"blur" Causes the element to lose focus, but does not set focus on the next element in the tab order.
"click" Simulates a click on the specified element.
"copy" Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
"cut" Copies the current selection to the clipboard and then deletes it.
"delete" Deletes the current selection.
"disable" Disables the specified element.
"enable" Enables the specified element.
"focus" Causes the element to receive focus.
"forward" Navigates forward one item in the history list.
"home" Navigates to the current home or start page.
"invisible" Sets an object state to hidden.
"paste" Overwrites the contents of the clipboard on the current selection.
"print" Opens the print dialog box so the user can print the current page.
"printdefault" Print directly to default printer (no dialog)
"quit" Closes the object.
"refresh" Refreshes the current document.
"saveas" Opens a dialog box to save the current Web page to a file.
"search" Navigates to the current search page.
"selectall" Selects the entire document.
"stop" Cancels any pending navigation or download operation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.
"unselect" Clears the current selection.
"visible" Sets an object state to visible.

PS: 这个里面的内容有点多, 需要时间来积累经验, 所以就先了解下简单的, 以后有用到的再来补充。
