emacs org-mode 简单的 脚注 footnote

** Footnotes
The Org homepage[fn:1] now looks a lot better than it used to.

Tom is a boy[fn:name].

Jim is a boy[fn:: This is the inline definition of this footnote] too.

Lily is a girl[fn:lily: a definition].

[fn:1] The link is: http://orgmode.org
[fn:name] Tom is a boy.


1.2 Footnotes

The Org homepage1 now looks a lot better than it used to.

Tom is a boy2.

Jim is a boy3 too.

Lily is a girl4.


1 The link is:http://orgmode.org

2 Tom is a boy.

3 This is the inline definition of this footnote

4 a definition


1. [fn:脚注名字]

[fn:脚注名字] 脚注内容

2. [fn::脚注内容]

3. [fn:脚注名字:脚注内容]
