时间:2012/2/1 版权所有,侵权必究。
前两天IQuickTest已经发布了一款名叫QTP notify的辅助工具,大家可以在iquicktest上看到此工具的一些简单介绍以及下载地址,那么今天主要就来为大家详细介绍下此工具的用法。
QTPNotifier.exe: 用于接收消息通知的核心程序,在发送消息时必须把此程序启动
QTPFunction.vbs: 此函数库文件里面只有一个方法RaiseNotification,直接调用即可发送通知给QTPNotifier.exe
3. 接着把QTPFunction.vbs文件中的NPATH变量修改成以下代码:
Dim NPATH NPATH = Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\QTPNotifier.exe"
'Function Name: RaiseNotification 'Function Purpose: This uses the QTPNotifier.exe tool to raise a notification to the system tray which is useful when watching test steps back. 'Input Parameters: strTitle - The title of the message, typically you would pass in the test step number 'strMessage - The content of the notification message. 'Creation Date: Jan 26th 2012 by David Hartley Function RaiseNotification(strTitle, strMessage) Dim NPATH Dim objWMIService, colProcessList, objProcess Dim blnRunning: blnRunning = false Dim strFolderPath Dim strNotifyFileName Dim objFSO Dim objTextStream 'Write out the notify file to the network drive. This takes the fomat <computename>notify.txt NPATH = Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\QTPNotifier.exe" strFolderPath = Replace(NPATH,"QTPNotifier.exe","") strNotifyFileName = environment("LocalHostName") & "notify.txt" 'Delete the file if it already exists Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.FileExists(strFolderPath & strNotifyFileName) Then On error resume next objFSO.DeleteFile(strFolderPath & strNotifyFileName) On error goto 0 End If 'Now write the notification out to the file - the first line must have the title, the second line must have the message Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFolderPath & strNotifyFileName, 2, True) 'Write to the file objTextStream.WriteLine strTitle objTextStream.WriteLine strMessage 'Close the file and clean up objTextStream.Close Set objTextStream = Nothing 'Now the file's been written lets kickoff the program to pick it up. 'The program will wait around for a minute to pickup any new messages so it may already be running. Let's check.... 'First off all determine if the QTPNotifier.exe app is running? Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process") For Each objProcess in colProcessList If objProcess.Name = "QTPNotifier.exe" Then blnRunning = True Exit for End If Next 'if it's not running, start it up If not blnRunning Then systemutil.Run NPATH End If End Function
6. 接着在QTP的脚本区中输入:
RaiseNotification "Step 1","login iquicktest" wait 2 RaiseNotification "Step 2","logout iquicktest "
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