for (pid <- Random.shuffle(Seq.range(0, numBlocks))) { val pieceId = BroadcastBlockId(id, "piece" + pid) logDebug(s"Reading piece $pieceId of $broadcastId") // First try getLocalBytes because there is a chance that previous attempts to fetch the // broadcast blocks have already fetched some of the blocks. In that case, some blocks // would be available locally (on this executor). bm.getLocalBytes(pieceId) match { case Some(block) => blocks(pid) = block releaseLock(pieceId) case None => bm.getRemoteBytes(pieceId) match { case Some(b) => if (checksumEnabled) { val sum = calcChecksum(b.chunks(0)) if (sum != checksums(pid)) { throw new SparkException(s"corrupt remote block $pieceId of $broadcastId:" + s" $sum != ${checksums(pid)}") } } // We found the block from remote executors/driver's BlockManager, so put the block // in this executor's BlockManager. if (!bm.putBytes(pieceId, b, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, tellMaster = true)) { throw new SparkException( s"Failed to store $pieceId of $broadcastId in local BlockManager") } blocks(pid) = b case None => throw new SparkException(s"Failed to get $pieceId of $broadcastId") } } }
/** Get locations of the blockId from the driver */ def getLocations(blockId: BlockId): Seq[BlockManagerId] = { driverEndpoint.askWithRetry[Seq[BlockManagerId]](GetLocations(blockId)) }
BlockManagerId(driver,, 55153, None)
Executor ID, executor ID, 对driver来说就是driverdef getRemoteBytes(blockId: BlockId): Option[ChunkedByteBuffer] = { logDebug(s"Getting remote block $blockId") require(blockId != null, "BlockId is null") var runningFailureCount = 0 var totalFailureCount = 0 val locations = getLocations(blockId) val maxFetchFailures = locations.size var locationIterator = locations.iterator while (locationIterator.hasNext) { val loc = locationIterator.next() logDebug(s"Getting remote block $blockId from $loc") val data = try { blockTransferService.fetchBlockSync( loc.host, loc.port, loc.executorId, blockId.toString).nioByteBuffer() } catch { case NonFatal(e) => runningFailureCount += 1 totalFailureCount += 1 if (totalFailureCount >= maxFetchFailures) { // Give up trying anymore locations. Either we've tried all of the original locations, // or we've refreshed the list of locations from the master, and have still // hit failures after trying locations from the refreshed list. logWarning(s"Failed to fetch block after $totalFailureCount fetch failures. " + s"Most recent failure cause:", e) return None } logWarning(s"Failed to fetch remote block $blockId " + s"from $loc (failed attempt $runningFailureCount)", e) // If there is a large number of executors then locations list can contain a // large number of stale entries causing a large number of retries that may // take a significant amount of time. To get rid of these stale entries // we refresh the block locations after a certain number of fetch failures if (runningFailureCount >= maxFailuresBeforeLocationRefresh) { locationIterator = getLocations(blockId).iterator logDebug(s"Refreshed locations from the driver " + s"after ${runningFailureCount} fetch failures.") runningFailureCount = 0 } // This location failed, so we retry fetch from a different one by returning null here null } if (data != null) { return Some(new ChunkedByteBuffer(data)) } logDebug(s"The value of block $blockId is null") } logDebug(s"Block $blockId not found") None }
blockTransferService.fetchBlockSync( loc.host, loc.port, loc.executorId, blockId.toString).nioByteBuffer()同步的获取块的内容,如果该块不存在,则换下一个拥有该Block的服务器
val idFromMaster = master.registerBlockManager( id, maxMemory, slaveEndpoint)会通过master 注册BlockManager
def registerBlockManager( blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, maxMemSize: Long, slaveEndpoint: RpcEndpointRef): BlockManagerId = { logInfo(s"Registering BlockManager $blockManagerId") val updatedId = driverEndpoint.askWithRetry[BlockManagerId]( RegisterBlockManager(blockManagerId, maxMemSize, slaveEndpoint)) logInfo(s"Registered BlockManager $updatedId") updatedId }
val blockManagerMaster = new BlockManagerMaster(registerOrLookupEndpoint( BlockManagerMaster.DRIVER_ENDPOINT_NAME, new BlockManagerMasterEndpoint(rpcEnv, isLocal, conf, listenerBus)), conf, isDriver)注册一个lookup的endpoint
def registerOrLookupEndpoint( name: String, endpointCreator: => RpcEndpoint): RpcEndpointRef = { if (isDriver) { logInfo("Registering " + name) rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(name, endpointCreator) } else { RpcUtils.makeDriverRef(name, conf, rpcEnv) } }
spark://[email protected]:40978所有的driver, executor都会向master 40978发消息
override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case RegisterBlockManager(blockManagerId, maxMemSize, slaveEndpoint) => context.reply(register(blockManagerId, maxMemSize, slaveEndpoint)) case _updateBlockInfo @ UpdateBlockInfo(blockManagerId, blockId, storageLevel, deserializedSize, size) => context.reply(updateBlockInfo(blockManagerId, blockId, storageLevel, deserializedSize, size)) listenerBus.post(SparkListenerBlockUpdated(BlockUpdatedInfo(_updateBlockInfo))) case GetLocations(blockId) => context.reply(getLocations(blockId)) case GetLocationsMultipleBlockIds(blockIds) => context.reply(getLocationsMultipleBlockIds(blockIds)) case GetPeers(blockManagerId) => context.reply(getPeers(blockManagerId)) case GetExecutorEndpointRef(executorId) => context.reply(getExecutorEndpointRef(executorId)) case GetMemoryStatus => context.reply(memoryStatus) case GetStorageStatus => context.reply(storageStatus) case GetBlockStatus(blockId, askSlaves) => context.reply(blockStatus(blockId, askSlaves)) case GetMatchingBlockIds(filter, askSlaves) => context.reply(getMatchingBlockIds(filter, askSlaves)) case RemoveRdd(rddId) => context.reply(removeRdd(rddId)) case RemoveShuffle(shuffleId) => context.reply(removeShuffle(shuffleId)) case RemoveBroadcast(broadcastId, removeFromDriver) => context.reply(removeBroadcast(broadcastId, removeFromDriver)) case RemoveBlock(blockId) => removeBlockFromWorkers(blockId) context.reply(true) case RemoveExecutor(execId) => removeExecutor(execId) context.reply(true) case StopBlockManagerMaster => context.reply(true) stop() case BlockManagerHeartbeat(blockManagerId) => context.reply(heartbeatReceived(blockManagerId)) case HasCachedBlocks(executorId) => blockManagerIdByExecutor.get(executorId) match { case Some(bm) => if (blockManagerInfo.contains(bm)) { val bmInfo = blockManagerInfo(bm) context.reply(bmInfo.cachedBlocks.nonEmpty) } else { context.reply(false) } case None => context.reply(false) } }