Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.
Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.
跟第13题Leetcode ☞ 13. Roman to Integer相反:
<span style="font-size:18px;">char* intToRoman(int num) { char* ans = (char*)calloc(20, sizeof(char)); int index = 0; while(num >= 1000){ ans[index++] = 'M';//M:1000 num -= 1000; } if (num >= 900){ ans[index++] = 'C';//C:100 ans[index++] = 'M';//M:1000 num -= 900; } if (num >= 500){ ans[index++] = 'D';//D:500 num -= 500; } if(num >= 400){ ans[index++] = 'C';//C:100 ans[index++] = 'D';//D:500 num -= 400; } while(num >= 100){ ans[index++] = 'C';//C:100 num -= 100; } if (num >= 90){ ans[index++] = 'X';//X:10 ans[index++] = 'C';//C:100 num -= 90; } if (num >= 50){ ans[index++] = 'L';//L:50 num -= 50; } if(num >= 40){ ans[index++] = 'X';//X:10 ans[index++] = 'L';//L:50 num -= 40; } while(num >= 10){ ans[index++] = 'X';//X:10 num -= 10; } if (num >= 9){ ans[index++] = 'I';//I:1 ans[index++] = 'X';//X:10 num -= 9; } if (num >= 5){ ans[index++] = 'V';//V:5 num -= 5; } if(num >= 4){ ans[index++] = 'I';//I:1 ans[index++] = 'V';//V:5 num -= 4; } while(num){ ans[index++] = 'I'; num--; } ans[index] = '\0'; return ans; }</span>