Sentence by sentence(5)

Fun with Idioms: in light of

In light of this new piece of evidence, I must proclaim the defendant "not guilty".

In light of latest news, we have decided to close our factories in Argentina.

Confusing Words: cure vs heal

You cannot cure the common cold.
The cut on my arm healed in a week.
Cure: To stop someone from being affected by an illness.

Heal: If an injury heals, the skin or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again.
For example:
The doctor cured the patient of his disease.
Is it possible to cure cancer?
The cut will never heals.
How long will my broken leg take to heal?

How to say it in English:

  • 这是商务仓的登机柜台么?
    • Is this the check-in counter for business class?
  • Is this where I check in for business class?
  • Does this counter server business class customers?
  • 这班班机到底会误点多少?
  • Exactly how long is this flight going to be delayed?
  • How late will this plane be?
  • Can you tell me how long the delay will be for my flight?
  • 今天所有飞北京的班机都客满了.
  • All of flights to Beijing today are full.
  • Today's flights to Beijing are completely booked.
    • There are no available seats on any flight to Beijing today.

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Tags: english, liveabc

