MenuPanel = function() {, { id:'menu-tree', region:'west', split:true, width: 280, minSize: 175, maxSize: 500, collapsible: true, margins:'0 0 5 5', cmargins:'0 0 0 0', rootVisible:false, lines:false, autoScroll:true, animCollapse:false, animate: false, collapseMode:'mini', loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader( { dataUrl:'http://localhost:8081/pms/' } ), root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode( { text:'Ext JS', id:'root', expanded:true//, //children:[Docs.classData]//bevis:the data form } ), collapseFirst:false }); // no longer needed! //new Ext.tree.TreeSorter(this, {folderSort:true,leafAttr:'isClass'}); this.getSelectionModel().on('beforeselect', function(sm, node){return node.isLeaf(); }); //added by bevis //this.on('beforeload',function(node){alert(;}); }; //此方法的目的是:选中对应的那个menuItem Ext.extend(MenuPanel, Ext.tree.TreePanel, { selectClass : function(cls){ //alert(cls); // if(cls){ var parts = cls.split('.'); var last = parts.length-1; for(var i = 0; i < last; i++){ var p = parts[i]; var fc = p.charAt(0); var staticCls = fc.toUpperCase() == fc; if(p == 'Ext' || !staticCls){ parts[i] = 'pkg-'+p; }else if(staticCls){ --last; parts.splice(i, 1); } } parts[last] = cls; this.selectPath('/root/000001/'+parts.join('/')); } } });
** * open a new table ,if you click a menuItem * @class PMSPanel * @extends Ext.Panel */ PMSPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { closable: true, autoScroll:true, initComponent : function(){ var ps = this.cclass.split('.'); this.title = ps[ps.length-1];; //tinit(); }, scrollToMember : function(member){ var el = + '-' + member); if(el){ var top = (el.getOffsetsTo(this.body)[1]) + this.body.dom.scrollTop; this.body.scrollTo('top', top-25, {duration:.75, callback: this.hlMember.createDelegate(this, [member])}); } }, scrollToSection : function(id){ var el = Ext.getDom(id); if(el){ var top = ([1]) + this.body.dom.scrollTop; this.body.scrollTo('top', top-25, { duration:.5, callback: function(){'h2').pause(.2).highlight('#8DB2E3', {attr:'color'}); } } ); } }, hlMember : function(member){ var el = + '-' + member); if(el){ el.up('tr').highlight('#cadaf9'); } } });
MainPanel = function(){ this.searchStore = new{ proxy: new{ url: '' }), reader: new{root: 'data'}, ['cls', 'member', 'type', 'doc'] ), baseParams: {}, listeners: { 'beforeload' : function(){ this.baseParams.qt = Ext.getCmp('search-type').getValue(); } } });, { id:'doc-body', region:'center', margins:'0 5 5 0', resizeTabs: true, minTabWidth: 135, tabWidth: 135, plugins: new Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu(), enableTabScroll: true, activeTab: 0, items: { id:'welcome-panel', title: 'Main Home', autoLoad: {url: PageInfo.base+'/', callback:function(){}, scope: this}, iconCls:'icon-docs', autoScroll: true } }); };
Ext.extend(MainPanel, Ext.TabPanel, { initEvents : function(){; this.body.on('click', this.onClick, this); }, onClick: function(e, target){ if(target = e.getTarget('a:not(.exi)', 3)){ var cls ='ext', 'cls'); e.stopEvent(); if(cls){ var member ='ext', 'member'); this.loadClass(target.href, cls, member); }else if(target.className == 'inner-link'){ this.getActiveTab().scrollToSection(target.href.split('#')[1]); }else{; } }else if(target = e.getTarget('.micon', 2)){ e.stopEvent(); var tr =; if(tr.hasClass('expandable')){ tr.toggleClass('expanded'); } } }, loadClass : function(href, cls, member){ var id = 'docs-' + cls; var tab = this.getComponent(id); if(tab){ this.setActiveTab(tab); if(member){ tab.scrollToMember(member); } }else{ var autoLoad = {url: href}; if(member){ autoLoad.callback = function(){ Ext.getCmp(id).scrollToMember(member); } } var p = this.add(new PMSPanel({ id: id, cclass : cls, autoLoad: autoLoad//, })); this.setActiveTab(p); //alert("parent init"); } } });
Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); var menuPanel = new MenuPanel(); var mainPanel = new MainPanel(); //当用户点选某一节点时就会激活此方法,但是当点选节点前面的"+-"号时不会激活此方法 menuPanel.on('click', function(node, e){ if(node.isLeaf()){ e.stopEvent(); mainPanel.loadClass(node.attributes.href,; } // else{ // alert(node.text); // } });
mainPanel.on('tabchange', function(tp, tab){ //alert(tab.cclass); menuPanel.selectClass(tab.cclass); });
var hd = new Ext.Panel({ border: false, layout:'anchor', region:'north', cls: 'docs-header', height:60,//the head of height ,it can be change items: [{ xtype:'box', el:'header', border:false, anchor: 'none -25' }, new Ext.Toolbar( { cls:'top-toolbar', items:[ '->', new Ext.Toolbar.TextItem('用户名:Admin'+',登陆时间:'+new Date().getYear()+'/'+(new Date().getMonth()+1)+'/'+new Date().getDate()), { tooltip:'退出系统', iconCls: 'icon-expand-members', text:'退出系统', enableToggle: true, toggleHandler : function(b, pressed){ Ext.MessageBox.confirm('提示','是否退出此系统?',exitornotFun); function exitornotFun(data){ if(data=='yes'){ Ext.MessageBox.alert('message','you have exited the system'); return; } } } } ] }) ] })