int SmsWBSService::run(int port) { if (soap_valid_socket(this->master) || soap_valid_socket(bind(NULL, port, 100))) { for (;;) { if (!soap_valid_socket(accept()) || serve()) return this->error; soap_destroy(this); soap_end(this); } } else return this->error; return SOAP_OK; }
int sqlite3_prepare(
sqlite3 *db, /* 打开的数据库句柄 */
const char *zSql, /* UTF8编码的SQL语句,可以参数化 */
int nByte, /* SQL语句的字节长度,可以传递-1,即字符串以\0结尾 */
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* 输出:预编译之后的SQL语句句柄 */
const char **pzTail /* 输出: 指向zSql缓冲区中跳过有效SQL字符串的第一个字节 */
int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*);
const unsigned char *sqlite3_column_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
int sqlite3_column_count(sqlite3_stmt*);
通过调用sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*)和const unsigned char *sqlite3_column_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);可以完成对数据库的遍历,每次调用结束后用sprintf将拼接得到的字符串,可以得到一行的数据,将每行的数据拼接就可以得到整个数据库,
int webService::get_cof_table(int contolPm,xsd__string* table) { //Read the cof_table, and send the table's content to the client. char tmp[256]; //To storage the table char column_lines[256]; sqlite3* cof_db = NULL; sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt = NULL; const char *pzTail = NULL; char* errmsg = NULL; char* sql = NULL; int rc_cof; rc_cof = sqlite3_open("cof.db", &cof_db); sql = "select * from cof_table;"; int i = 0; sqlite3_prepare_v2(cof_db, sql, strlen(sql), &ppStmt, &pzTail); int ncolcount = sqlite3_column_count(ppStmt); memset(column_lines, 0, 256); strcat(column_lines, "{"); while(sqlite3_step(ppStmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { printf("\n"); //printf("0 %s", tmp); for(i = 0;i<ncolcount-1;i++) { if(i == 0) { sprintf(tmp,"{\"%s\":\"%s\",", sqlite3_column_name(ppStmt,0),sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, 0)); } else { sprintf(tmp,"\"%s\":\"%s\",", sqlite3_column_name(ppStmt,i),sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, i)); } //printf("%s",tmp); strcat(column_lines, tmp); } sprintf(tmp,"\"%s\":\"%s\"},", sqlite3_column_name(ppStmt,i),sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, i)); strncat(column_lines, tmp, strlen(tmp)); } strcpy(&column_lines[strlen(column_lines)-1], "}"); sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); *table = column_lines; memset(column_lines, 0, 256); close(cof_db); /*table = "{\"cof_table\":\ [{\"KEY\":\"G_lamp\",\"KEY_VALUE\":"0", \"KEY_DESC\":\"杀菌灯\",\"KEY_LIST\":"[0,1]"},\ {\"KEY\":\"FANS\", \"KEY_VALUE\":"0", \"KEY_DESC\":\"风机\", \"KEY_LIST\":"[0,1,2]"},\ {\"KEY\":\"MODULE\", \"KEY_VALUE\":"0", \"KEY_DESC\":\"净化器\", \"KEY_LIST\":"[0,1]"}] \ }";最终传输的格式*/ return 0; }