payment term, day limit and baseline date

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Baseline dte

The date a payment is due is calculated from the baseline date and the time allowed for payment. The system uses the terms of payment and the baseline date to calculate the dates up to which cash discounts can be deducted and the date on which the item is due net. The periods contained in the fields Days/percent for the terms of payment therefore relate to the baseline date. If no periods are specified, the invoice is due on the baseline date.

Payment terms

If you enter a terms of payment key during document entry, the system enters the terms of payment defined for this key into the line item.


The line for terms of payment contains fields for days and percentage rates. Together with the baseline date, the number of days specified determine the date by which the invoice is due. By entering percentage rates, you specify the cash discount percentage rates permitted for each of these deadlines.

The cash discount percentage rates apply to the amount that qualifies for cash discount. This amount is contained in the field Disc.base.

也就是说payment term的决定过程是 baseline date(可以灵活计算可配置)开始加上允许的付账时间构成了付账的due date。具体得到回扣的No. of day的起始日期也是从baseline date开始计算。比如15天内 30%的回扣。这个15天内的起始付账日期是baseline date. 这个回扣通过Days/percent配置进去。

关于baseline date的配置,可以是
No default(就是自己输入)
Posting date
Document date
Entry date
再加上additional month和fixed day


For each payment term you define, you must specify a rule by which the system is to calculate the baseline date.

This rule consists of:

  • A default value for the baseline date
  • Further specifications for calculating the date

You set the default value for the baseline date by specifying whether you want it to be the document date, the posting date or the entry date of the document . If you do not want the system to default a date when you enter a document, you can set the appropriate indicator, in which case you must enter the baseline date manually during document entry.

关于 day limit
day limit简单的说,他决定了payment term的不同的version。比如同一个payment term的配置,可以指定day limit 15和day limit 31。具体可参见IDES payment term 003。也就是说baseline date计算出来后,落在一个月的哪个期间中。是在15号以前还是月末之前。那么可以有不同的折扣方式。

