最新的Java ME platform SDK 3.0,但是跟eclipseme 1.7.9 配合有问题,在RUN的时候,会报下面错误:
emulator [arguments]
In order to get commands supported by given device run:
emulator.exe -Xdevice:<device name> -Xquery
Generic list of arguments is:
-version Display version information about the emulator
-help Display list of valid arguments
-classpath, -cp The class path for the VM
-D<name>=<value> Set a system property
-Xdebug Use a remote debugger
Debugging options
-Xdevice:<device> Select a device skin for the emulator
Set the MIDlet suite's security domain
-Xdescriptor:<JAD file name>
The JAD file to be executed
-Xjam[:install=<JAD file url> | force | list | storageNames |
run=[<storage name> | <storage number>][,<MIDlet class name>] |
remove=[<storage name> | <storage number> | all] |
transient=<JAD file url>]
Java Application Manager and support
for Over The Air provisioning (OTA)
-Xquery Print device information
-Xautotest:<JAD file url>
Run in autotest mode
Windows > Preferences > J2ME > Device Manager > 选中一个设备定义,点Edit > 修改lanuch command template:
%executable% [%debugPort%|-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,server=y,address=%debugPort%] [%classpath%|-classpath "%classpath%"] -Xdevice:%device% [%jadfile%|"-Xdescriptor:%jadfile%"] [%securityDomain%|-Xdomain:%securityDomain%] %userSpecifiedArguments%