
C-<chr> means hold the CONTROL key while typing the character <chr> Thus, C-f would be: hold the CONTROL key and type f.


M-<chr> means hold the META or EDIT or ALT key down while typing <chr>. If there is no META, EDIT or ALT key, instead press and release the ESC key and then type <chr>. We write <ESC> for the ESC key.


Here is a summary of simple cursor-moving operations:

C-fMove forward a character

C-bMove backward a character


M-fMove forward a word

M-bMove backward a word


C-nMove to next line

C-pMove to previous line


C-aMove to beginning of line

C-eMove to end of line


M-aMove back to beginning of sentence

M-eMove forward to end of sentence


M-< (META Less-than), which moves to the beginning of the whole text

M-> (META Greater-than), which moves to the end of the whole text

On most terminals, the "<" is above the comma, so you must use the shift key to type it.

On these terminals you must use the shift key to type M-< also; without the shift key, you would be typing M-comma.


C-u 8 C-f moves forward eight characters.

C-u 8 * to insert *******


C-g to discard


C-x 1One window (i.e., kill all other windows).


<DEL>        Delete the character just before the cursor

C-d       Delete the next character after the cursor


M-<DEL>      Kill the word immediately before the cursor

M-d     Kill the next word after the cursor


C-k     Kill from the cursor position to end of line

M-k     Kill to the end of the current sentence
