guides 翻译十五(插件)

自从 RubyGems 1.3.2开始, RubyGems 会加载安装在gem或者 $LOAD_PATH.中的插件。插件必须命名为 ‘rubygems_plugin’ (.rb, .so, etc) 然后放在你的gem的 #require_path。插件通过 Gem::find_files 查找然后加载。 注意:当你执行你的插件的时候,如果你的gem安装了多个版本,那么你的插件文件加载多次。



## gem-browse

Adds four commands:

  • gem edit opens a gem in your editor
  • gem open opens a gem by name in your editor
  • gem clone clones a gem from GitHub
  • gem browse opens a gem’s homepage in your browser

## gem-ctags

Adds a gem ctags command to invoke the Exuberant Ctags indexer on already-installed gems, and then automatically invokes it on gems as they are installed.

## gem_info

Adds a gem info command with fuzzy matching on name and version. Designed for scripting use.

## gem-init

Adds gem init to create a barebones gem.

## gem-man

The gem man command lets you view a gem’s man page.

## gem-nice-install

Tries to install system dependencies needed to install your gems with binary extensions using standard gem installcommand. This currently works only for Fedora, but hopefully will be extended.

## gem-orphan

Adds a gem orphan command that finds and lists gems on which no other gems are depending.

## gem-patch

Adds gem patch command, which enables you to apply patches directly on .gem files. Supports both RubyGems 1.8 and RubyGems 2.0.

## gem-toolbox

Adds six commands:

  • gem open - opens a gem in your default editor
  • gem cd - changes your working directory to the gem’s source root
  • gem readme - locates and displays a gem’s readme file
  • gem history - locates and display’s a gem’s changelog
  • gem doc - Browse a gem’s documentation in your default browser
  • gem visit - Open a gem’s homepage in your default browser

## graph

Adds a gem graph command to output a gem dependency graph in graphviz’s dot format.

## maven_gem

Adds gem maven to install any Maven-published Java library as though it were a gem.

## open_gem

Adds two commands:

  • gem open opens a gem in your default editor
  • gem read opens a gem’s rdoc in your default browser

## PushSafety

Applies a whitelist to gem push to prevent accidentally pushing private gems to the public RubyGems repository.

## rbenv-rehash

Automatically runs rbenv rehash after installing or uninstalling gems.

## rubygems-desc

Adds gem desc to describe a gem by name.

## rubygems-openpgp

Adds commands and flags to allow OpenPGP signing of gems.

  • gem sign foo.gem to sign a gem.
  • gem verify foo.gem --trust to verify a gem.
  • gem build foo.gemspec --sign to sign at build time.
  • gem install foo --verify --trust to verify on install.

## rubygems-sandbox

Manages command-line gem tools and dependencies with a gem sandbox command. This lets you install things like flay and rdoc outside of the global rubygems repository.

## rubygems_snapshot

Adds gem snapshot to create exports of all your current gems into a single file that you can import later.

## rubygems-tasks

rubygems-tasks provides agnostic and unobtrusive Rake tasks for building, installing and releasing Ruby Gems.





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