The following steps should be used only when installing the ILM Assistant for the first time. If you have an existing ILM Assistant installation, please following the instructions for upgrading the ILM Assistant.
Before You Install
Make sure you have the following software installed and running in your environment:
Oracle Database version 9.2 or higher
Oracle Application Express version 2.2 or higher
Check command:
SQL> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version – Production
Also make sure that the Oracle initialization parameter JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is set to a value of at least 1.
SQL> show parameter job
------------------------------------ ----------- -------
job_queue_processes integer 1000
Gather the following information in preparation for your installation of ILM Assistant:
The current password of the Application Express schema owner. For Application Express version 3.2 or greater, this is the Oracle user APEX_nnnnnn. For Application Express versions prior to 3.2, the Oracle user is FLOWS_nnnnnn.
By default, this is the password that was specified for the Application Express installation procedure. However, it is possible that a DBA has since changed the password for account. The current password is required for the ILM Assistant installation procedure.
SQL> select username from dba_users where username like 'APEX%';
APEX_030200 ----we use this user.
SQL> alter user APEX_030200 identified by APEX_030200;
User altered.
The tablespace in which to store ILM Assistant database objects. This installation creates the Oracle user ILM_TOOLKIT into which ILM Assistant database objects are installed. You need to specify the tablespace to use as the default tablespace for the ILM_TOOLKIT user. If you specify a tablespace that exists, the ILM Assistant installation uses it. If you specify a tablespace that doesn’t exist, the ILM Assistant installation creates it and uses it.
Installation Procedure
An Oracle database administrator must run many of the steps below. In the examples below, the SYS user is assumed to be a database administrator.
1. Copy the .zip file containing the appropriate kit to the directory in which you will perform the installation. Unzip the .zip file.
2. Install the new kit. You may wish to spool the installation session to a file so that you can easily check to see if there were problems during the installation.
sqlplus “sys/<password> as sysdba”
@ilma_install apex_password tablespace connect
apex_password is the password for the Application Express database user.
tablespace is the tablespace in which to store the ILM Assistant database objects created by this
connect is the Oracle Net connect string to the database. If this is a local install, use none or NONE.
sqlplus “sys/my_fake_pwd as sysdba”
spool iml_install.txt
@ilma_install APEX_030200 ILM none
After a successfully executing the installation or upgrade scripts, a required post-installation script must be executed. The script has been excluded from the main installation / upgrade scripts because of its potential time demand. The purpose of the script is to prepare any internal caching tables for use by the ILM Assistant. If the local application environment contains many schemas, tables or tablespaces, the script may take hours to complete, so careful planning is necessary. Typically, the
script may run for 3 minutes for every 350 tables defined in the database.
To execute the script:
sqlplus “sys/<password> as sysdba”
The premise of running ILM Assistant is Apex working well.
Enable Apex with the following steps:
SQL> show user
SQL> set head off
SQL> select * from dba_registry where comp_id = 'APEX';--Check it if being installed
Oracle Application Express VALID
30-MAR-2010 11:06:21 SERVER
SYS APEX_030200
SQL> @%oracle_home%\RDBMS\ADMIN\epgstat.sql –Check the environment of running.
| XDB protocol ports: |
| XDB is listening for the protocol |
| when the protocol port is non-zero. |
0 0
1 row selected.
| DAD virtual-path mappings |
/apex/* APEX
1 row selected.
| DAD attributes |
APEX database-username ANONYMOUS
default-page apex
document-table-name wwv_flow_file_objects$
request-validation-funct wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize
document-procedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
nls-language american_america.al32utf8
document-path docs
7 rows selected.
| DAD authorization: |
| To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |
| the DAD must be authorized for the user. |
no rows selected
| DAD authentication schemes |
1 row selected.
| ANONYMOUS user status: |
| To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, |
| the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. |
1 row selected.
| ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: |
| To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, |
| ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. |
1 row selected.
SQL> select dbms_xdb.getHTTPPort from dual;--Check the port and 0 means that it is not started.
1 row selected.
Set the port with the procedure.
SQL> begin
2 dbms_xdb.setHTTPPort(8080);
3 commit;
4 end;
5 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select dbms_xdb.getHTTPPort from dual;
1 row selected.
User altered.
SQL> @%Oracle_home%\apex\apxchpwd.sql
Enter a value below for the password for the Application Express ADMIN user.
Enter a password for the ADMIN user [] ADMIN---- not show up.
Session altered.
...changing password for ADMIN
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Commit complete.
Set the permission:
SQL> begin
3 end;
4 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Access the Apes with the following link:
If you can access it then You need to input ADMIN and password ADMIN to login the system.
Change the password accord to the hints.
The ILM Assistant is invoked inside a browser by navigating to the defined URL. The URL format is specified by your particular Application Express installation. In all formats of the URL, the Application Express application identifier for the ILM Assistant is 737677.
Example using a URL and an HTTP server to access the ILM Assistant:
If you are failing with apex. When you call apex in the browser and might get a popup asking for xdb credentials.
If so please check the XDB account in database:
SQL> select username, account_status from dba_users where username = 'XDB';
1 row selected.
SQL> alter user xdb account unlock;
User altered.
See the Oracle® Application Express Installation Guide for more details on specifying the correct URL.
Once you successfully connect to the ILM Assistant via the browser, it will prompt you for an Oracle database username and password. You can use any Oracle user having the appropriate privileges or one of the users you created by following these step:
For 10g or later:
The ILM Assistant also requires execution privileges for specific internal packages. To grant the necessary execution privileges, a SQL*Plus script has been provided to do the required work:
sqlplus “sys/<password> as sysdba”
@grant_privs <oracle-user-name>
Note: this script will only grant privileges on ILM Assistant packages. Also, the ILM Assistant does not expose any user data.
The ILM Assistant includes a SQL*Plus script that will in turn generate a script to reconstruct your ILM Assistant data in a new or upgraded ILM Assistant application. The generated script contains calls to ILM Assistant to create the following entities:
Logical Storage Tiers
Lifecycle Definitions
Managed Table Definitions
Simulated Table Definitions
Signed Result Set Definitions
Policy Notes
Lifecycle Events
The following procedure will generate an ILM Assistant data script:
sqlplus “sys/<password> as sysdba”
@ilma_export <your-data-filename>.sql
You must include the full directory path in the output file specification. If the ‘.sql’ file extension is not provided in the
specification, one will be appended.
The export routine will temporarily create a SQL DIRECTORY object for the purpose of creating the target script. Once the export operation finishes, the directory object will be dropped. If, for some reason, the directory object does not get dropped, just execute a DROP DIRECTORY ILM$$TEMP command from SQL*Plus.
The generated script should be executed while connected as SYS.
sqlplus “sys/my_fake_pwd as sysdba”
@ilma_export d:\my_scripts\my_ilma_backup.sql
If you wish to completely remove the ILM Assistant from you data, perform the following steps:
1. (Optional) Save existing ILM Assistant data. If you wish to preserve any data from the ILM Assistant, you should
export your ILM Assistant data as described in Exporting ILM Assistant Data.
2. Execute the uninstall procedure. This will remove the application and delete the database user ILM_TOOLKIT,
including the ILM Assistant repository.
sqlplus “sys/<password> as sysdba”
@ilma_uninstall apex_password connect
apex_password is the password for the Application Express database user. Details
connect is the Oracle Net connect string to the database. If this is a local install, use none or NONE.