makefile里面的@XX@ 的意义

Q:  你知道makefile里面@XX@和$XX的变量的区别么?
# Top level hierarchy
prefix = @prefix@
# Pathname of directory to install the binary
BINDEST = @prefix@/bin
# Pathname of directory to install the man page
MANDEST = @prefix@/man

A by Wooce:  你那个makefile应该不是最终的,  而是一个 ,  很多开源软件都是这样,运行./configure之后@variable@被替换, Makefile.in变成Makefile , 大概就这样。关键是你说文件名是makefile,所以一开始也把我弄糊涂了,在网上四处搜答案,如果一开始说文件名是,那我就马上可以回答了。
.....To create a `Makefile', configure performs a simple variable substitution, replacing occurrences of `@variable@' in `' with the value that configure has determined for that variable. ......
