Given a set of points in a two dimensional space, you will have to find the distance between the closest two points.
The input file contains several sets of input. Each set of input starts with an integerN (0<=N<=10000), which denotes the number of points in this set. The nextNline contains the coordinates ofNtwo-dimensional points. The first of the two numbers denotes theX-coordinateand the latter denotes theY-coordinate. The input is terminated by a set whoseN=0. This set should not be processed. The value of the coordinates will be less than40000and non-negative.
For each set of input produce a single line of output containing a floating point number (with four digits after the decimal point) which denotes the distance between the closest two points. If there is no such two points in the input whose distance is less than10000, print the lineINFINITY.
给出N个平面上点的坐标, 要求输出这些点中互相之间距离最短的距离。如果最短距离超过10000救输出INFINITY
计算几何中的“寻找最近点对”问题,《算法导论》第33.4章专门讲了这个算法,用的是分治的思想,复杂度为O( n lg n)。但是实现起来还是挺麻烦的。
这里的方法是O(n lg n lg n),主要是简化了其中一个步骤,也就是下面的sort,让这个步骤的复杂度由O(n)变为O(n lg n)。
/* * UVa: 10245 - The Closest Pair Problem * Time: 0.080 * Author: D_Double * */ #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const double INF = 1e20; const int N = 100005; struct Point{ double x; double y; friend bool operator < (const Point& a, const Point& b){ if(a.x != b.x) return a.x < b.x; return a.y < b.y; } }point[N]; int n; int tmpt[N]; bool cmpy(const int& a, const int& b){ return point[a].y < point[b].y; } double min(double a, double b){ return a < b ? a : b; } double dis(int i, int j){ return sqrt((point[i].x-point[j].x)*(point[i].x-point[j].x) + (point[i].y-point[j].y)*(point[i].y-point[j].y)); } double Closest_Pair(int left, int right){ double d = INF; if(left==right) return d; if(left + 1 == right) return dis(left, right); int mid = (left+right)>>1; double d1 = Closest_Pair(left,mid); double d2 = Closest_Pair(mid+1,right); d = min(d1,d2); int i,j,k=0; //分离出宽度为d的区间 for(i = left; i <= right; i++){ if(fabs(point[mid].x-point[i].x) <= d) tmpt[k++] = i; } sort(tmpt,tmpt+k,cmpy); //线性扫描 for(i = 0; i < k; i++){ for(j = i+1; j < k && j<=k+7 && point[tmpt[j]].y-point[tmpt[i]].y<d; j++){ double d3 = dis(tmpt[i],tmpt[j]); if(d > d3) d = d3; } } return d; } int main(){ freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF){ if(n==0) break; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%lf %lf",&point[i].x,&point[i].y); sort(point,point+n); double ans=Closest_Pair(0,n-1); if(ans<10000) printf("%.4lf\n",ans); else printf("INFINITY\n"); } return 0; }
—— 生命的意义,在于赋予它意义。
原创http://blog.csdn.net/shuangde800,By D_Double (转载请标明)