

Failed to bind to server socket:tcp://localhost:61616 due to :


通过netstat -aon | findstr "61616" 查找端口被谁占用了,可是一直没有找到,google说是 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)服务占用,kill了这个服务,




BITS can force a dial-up connection for home networks that use Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing if Connection Sharing is configured to dial out when computers on the network access the Internet. To prevent a forced dial-up connection, disable the Establish a dial-up connection whenever a computer on my network attempts to access the Internet option on the Connection Sharing host computer that shares its Internet connection.
Computers connected to the Connection Sharing host computer assume they have a network connection, so BITS will try to transfer files. If the dial-up option is disabled on the host computer and the host computer does not have an active connection, the transfers will fail with a transient error. BITS will retry the transfers periodically.
