I'm back

I've left for a long time,and now I'm back.

After leaving Shanghai Changxiang Co.' LTD, I felt so happy. After all, I have said bye-bye to suffering enviroment.

Though Actuate is not the best choice,maybe the outlookwouldbe more betterif I went to NEC-CAS. It's only an assumption, who knows.

Actuate also has a good enviroment. Since I come here, I should do the work well.

(The following is from http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2247/2005-8-10/18@196404.htm)

Daily Overview

Wednesday,August 10

Someone you think is an admirer may in fact be operating from a quite different agenda. Pluto, planet of power, and also of secrets, warns you cannot take others friendship or support for granted over the next two or three days. If someone in your social circle acts more friendly than usual be on your guard - it could be a trick.
