Auto Makers Set Hopes On Shanghai

本周的上海车展将给全球汽车厂家带来一个机会,让他们得以在一个如今非常难得的增长的市场上向买家们示好。今年3月,中国汽车销售连续第二个月上升,销量为110万辆,增幅达5%。而同期美国和日本的销量分别下降了30%和32%。J.D. Power & Associates亚太区预测部门主管邦奈尔(John Bonnell)说,人们对中国有越来越多的期待。这个行业竞争越来越激烈。Associated Press北京汽车展的观众们围拢在力帆320车原型车的周围。这款酷似Mini Cooper的小车将在4月20日的上海车展上正式推出。这次展会上,汽车厂商将在8个展厅里展示他们的量产车样本概念车和替代能源车。展会将于4月24-28日对公众开放。这次虽然雷诺(Renault SA)菲亚特(Fiat SpA)大发(Daihatsu Motor Co.)等车商为削减成本没有到场,但大多数车商都派出了强大阵容参展。戴姆勒(Daimler AG)将在上海车展首次推出S型S65轿车重新设计的新款式,并将展出Maybach超豪华车和Smart微型车。梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)发言人黑尔(Trevor Hale)说,参加上海车展是公司的优先任务,公司刚刚实现了它在中国的最佳月度销售业绩。今年一季度,奔驰在华销售较上年同期上升了22.5%。通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)上个月在华销量达到创纪录的137,000辆。该公司这次将有37款车参展,而且今年其展台面积也超过去年的北京车展。通用汽车和大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)均表示,他们计划未来5到10年将在华销量增加一倍,达到200万辆。通用周日表示,将于2010年底在美国市场推出Chevy Volt充电式混合电动车,计划2011年开始在中国销售。通用亚太区工程部门负责人别尔任斯基(Raymond Bierzynski)说,对于像Volt这类替代能源车型,要确保在市场上取得成功,政府的鼓励措施将是关键,不论是针对车型的研发还是针对购买这些车型的消费者。在一系列新车中,引人注目的一款是长城汽车(Great Wall Motor Co.)的欧拉(Gwkulla)后开门轿车。据该公司人士透露,该车将在明年以远低于人民币100,000元(14,600美元)的价格推向市场。预计比亚迪(BYD Co.)将展出第二款已可量产的双模充电式混合电动车F6DM。该公司今年早些时候推出了车体较小的同类车型F3DM。Patricia Jiayi Ho相关阅读保时捷新车亮相上海车展 2009-04-20图片:2009纽约车展 2009-04-14 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', '2333.HK'));长城汽车股份有限公司(简称:长城汽车)英文名称:Great Wall Motor Co.总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:香港交易所股票代码:2333document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', '1211.HK'));比亚迪股份英文名称:BYD Co.总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:香港交易所股票代码:1211document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', 'DAI'));戴姆勒公司英文名称:Daimler AG总部地点:德国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:DAIdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', 'DAI'));Daimler AG总部地点:德国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:DAIdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', 'GM'));General Motors Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:GMdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', 'VLKAY'));Volkswagen AG (ADS)总部地点:德国上市地点:美国场外交易粉单市场(Pink Sheet)股票代码:VLKAYdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', 'VOW.XE'));大众汽车英文名称:Volkswagen AG总部地点:德国上市地点:德国证券电子交易平台股票代码:VOWGdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月20日12:07', 'DAI.XE'));Daimler AG总部地点:德国上市地点:德国证券电子交易平台股票代码:DAIGn

The Shanghai auto show this week offers global auto makers a chance to court buyers in that rare thing: a growing market.China's auto sales climbed for a second straight month in March, rising 5% to 1.11 million units. In contrast, March sales fell 30% in the U.S. and 32% in Japan.'There's a lot of growing expectations for China,' said John Bonnell, J.D. Power & Associates' director of forecasting for the Asian-Pacific region. 'The industry is always getting more competitive.'Auto manufacturers will display their production models, concept cars and alternative-energy vehicles inside eight halls, which will be open to the public from April 24-28. While some auto makers, including Renault SA, Fiat SpA and Daihatsu Motor Co., are skipping the Shanghai show this year to cut costs, most are coming out in force.Daimler AG will debut a new model in Shanghai -- its redesigned S-Class S65 sedan -- and also will show its Maybach ultraluxury vehicles and Smart minicars. The Shanghai auto show 'has a very high priority for Mercedes-Benz, which just had its best sales month in China,' said spokesman of Trevor Hale. Sales of Mercedes-Benz vehicles in China rose 22.5% in the first quarter from a year earlier.General Motors Corp., which saw record sales of 137,000 last month in China, will bring 37 vehicles to the event, and has increased its display area from last year's show in Beijing.GM and Volkswagen AG have said they plan to double sales in the country to two million units over the next five to 10 years. GM said Sunday it plans to start selling the plug-in electric hybrid Chevy Volt in China in 2011 after launching the vehicle in the U.S. in late 2010.Raymond Bierzynski, head of GM's Asia-Pacific engineering operations, said government incentives, whether for research or for consumers buying 'new energy' cars, are going to be key in ensuring the success of alternative-fuel cars like the Volt.Notable among the array of new cars is an electric hatchback called the Gwkulla by Great Wall Motor Co., due for a launch next year with a price tag significantly below 100,000 yuan, or around $14,600, according to company executives.BYD Co. is expected to show a second production-ready, plug-in electric hybrid model. Dubbed the F6DM, referring to dual mode, the model follows the launch earlier this year of the smaller F3DM.Patricia Jiayi Ho
