SQL Server common issues

ISSUE 1: Incorrect syntax near 'GO'.


replace GO with ; 


1) GO is a keyword for Query Analyzer, not belongs to T-SQL. So, if you don't use Query Analyzer, GO is not recoganized.


2) GO instructs Query Analyzer to interpret and run the preceding T-SQL statments.



ISSUE 2: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DEFAULT'


You can't simply alter a column like this :

ALTER TABLE GreenscopeUser ALTER COLUMN Enabled nChar(1) not null DEFAULT 'Y';


You should alter the column like this:

ALTER TABLE GreenscopeUser ALTER COLUMN Enabled nChar(1) not null;

ALTER TABLE GreenscopeUser ADD CONSTRAINT default_Enabled DEFAULT 'Y' FOR Enabled;


Also please don't forget the remove all constraints on this column before you change it.

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