漫步每日文摘 [2007-10-10]

  • HTML TOOLBOX: 30+ HTML Tools and Tutorials
    With PHP, CSS, Ruby On Rails and so on, it’s easy to forget that HTML is where it all began. Even with its age, HTML is still essential for every wanna-be web developer, so we’ve gathered 30+ resources for you to learn, code, validate and more. S..
  • Featured Windows Download: Disable Automatic Windows Restart with Auto Reboot Remover
    Windows only: Selectively enable or disable the automatic system restart that's applied after certain Windows Updates with freeware application Auto Reboot Remover. While I'm sure Microsoft had good...
  • WordPress Theme: Smashing Theme
    This really shows how busy I have been with other projects. My friend, and the designer of this site, Elena of Design Disease released a WordPress theme a month ago, and I didn’t even cover it. I am here to rectify that mistake because it is defin..
  • 无偿转让本站
      由于个人精力有限作出转让本站决定,有意者可以与我联系:kdolphin[at]gmail.com 转让包括wordpresscn.com域名和现有站点数据。 希望接受者仍然把本域名作为一个wordpress的信息站来建设。 希望...
  • K2 Release Candidate 3 Released
    Still some bugs to take care of, but Release Candidate 3 should cover your most immediate needs. We cannot fix what we don't know about, and we won't know about it if you don't file a bug. And we do want to fix as much as possible. So, if you have..
