







一、 解压缩

cd /ldap

gunzip DSEE.6.3.Linux-X86-full.tar.gz

tar -xvf DSEE.6.3.Linux-X86-full.tar


二、  安装




cd /ldap/DSEE_ZIP_Distribution

./dsee_deploy install -i /ldap/install


mkdir /ldap/instance

cd /ldap/install/ds6/bin

./dsadm create -p 389 -P 636 /ldap/instance/instance1

./dsadm start /ldap/instance/instance1



./dsconf create-suffix -h localhost -p 389 dc=zjtvu,dc=edu,dc=cn





./dsconf enable-repl -h localhost -p 389 consumer dc=zjtvu,dc=edu,dc=cn


./dsconf enable-repl -h localhost -p 389 -d 11 master dc=zjtvu,dc=edu,dc=cn


./dsconf disable-repl -h localhost -p 389 dc=zjtvu,dc=edu,dc=cn


./dsconf list-suffixes -p 389 -v



/ldap/install/ds6/bin/dsconf import -h  localhost -p 389 /backup.ldif dc=zjtvu,dc=edu,dc=cn



/ldap/install/ds6/bin/dsconf export -h localhost -p 389 -w /databak/pwd.txt dc=zju,dc=edu,dc=cn /databak/20110803.ldif





cd /ldap/install/dscc6/bin

./dsccsetup initialize

初始化会要求设置Directory Service Manager密码:比如输入两次admin123

可使用命令(./dsccsetup status)查看配置后的情况,如果配置不成功这里会有提示



如果设置时(dsccsetup initialize )报错了,可使用如下命令删除后重新设置

[root@ssoldap bin]# ./dsccsetup ads-delete
Deleting DSCC Registry...
All server registrations will be definitively erased.
Existing server instances will not be modified.
Do you really want to delete the DSCC Registry ? [y/n]y
Directory Server instance '/ldap/install/var/dscc6/dcc/ads' stopped
DSCC Registry has been deleted successfully
[root@ssoldap bin]# ./dsccsetup console-unreg
DSCC Application is not installed (thus not registered)
[root@ssoldap bin]# ./dsccsetup cacao-unreg
Unregistering DSCC Agent from Cacao...
[root@ssoldap bin]# ./dsccsetup status
Sun Java (TM) Web Console is not installed
DSCC Agent is not registered in Cacao
DSCC Registry has not been created yet
[root@ssoldap bin]# ./dsccsetup initialize
DSCC Application cannot be registered because it is not installed
Registering DSCC Agent in Cacao...
Checking Cacao status...
Deploying DSCC agent in Cacao...
DSCC agent has been successfully registered in Cacao.
Choose password for Directory Service Manager: 
Confirm password for Directory Service Manager: 
Creating DSCC registry...
DSCC Registry has been created successfully







Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Man Page Reference


NAME | Synopsis | Description | SUBCOMMANDS | GLOBAL OPTIONS | SUBCOMMAND OPTIONS | Exit Status | Attributes | See Also


    dsccsetup – Set up Directory Service Control Center




 [subcommand] [options]


    The dsccsetup command is used to register Directory Service Control Center with Sun Java Web Console (DSCC), and to register local agents of the administration framework. Use the dsccsetup command with the subcommands described in this man page.


    The following subcommands are supported:

    dsccsetup ads-create [-w file ]

    Initialize the DSCC registry, a local Directory Server instance for private use by DSCC to store configuration information. DSCC requires that this instance reside locally on the host where you run DSCC. Therefore, if you replicate the data in the instance for high availablity, set up one DSCC per replica host.

    If you do not provide the Directory Manager password for the DSCC registry in the file passed to the -w option, the command prompts for the password.

    The default port numbers used by the instance are 3998 for LDAP, and 3999 for LDAPS.

    The default instance path is /var/opt/SUNWdsee/dscc6/dcc/ads on Solaris systems, /var/opt/sun/dscc6/dcc/ads on HP-UX and Red Hat systems, and C:\Program Files\Sun\DSEE\var\dscc6\dcc\ads on Windows systems.

    The base DN for the suffix containing configuration information is cn=dscc . Use the dsccsetup status subcommand to read actual values for the DSCC registry instance.

    dsccsetup ads-delete

    Delete the Directory Server instance used by DSCC to store configuration information.

    Use the -i when not using the command interactively.

    dsccsetup cacao-reg [-t]

    Register the local DSCC agent with the Common Agent Container, cacao .

    Use the -t option if you want to restart the Common Agent Container manually at a later time.

    dsccsetup cacao-unreg

    Remove the local DSCC agent registration information from cacao .

    dsccsetup console-reg [-t]

    Register DSCC with the web application container, Sun Java Web Console.

    Use the -i when not using the command interactively.

    Use the -t option if you want to restart Sun Java Web Console manually at a later time.

    dsccsetup console-unreg [-t]

    Remove DSCC from Sun Java Web Console.

    Use the -i when not using the command interactively.

    Use the -t option if you want to restart Sun Java Web Console manually at a later time.

    dsccsetup dismantle [-t]

    Dismantle the DSCC administration framework, running the cacao-unreg , console-unreg , and ads-delete subcommands.

    Use the -i when not using the command interactively.

    Use the -t option if you want to restart Sun Java Web Console, and the Common Agent Container manually at a later time.

    dsccsetup initialize [-t] [-w file ]

    Initialize the DSCC administration framework, running the ads-create , console-reg , and cacao-reg subcommands.

    Use the -i when not using the command interactively.

    Use the -t option if you want to restart Sun Java Web Console, or the Common Agent Container manually at a later time.

    If you do not provide the Directory Manager password for the DSCC registry in the file passed to the -w option, the command prompts for the password.

    dsccsetup status

    Display whether DSCC has been registered with Sun Java Web Console, and with the Common Agent Container. Also, display whether the DSCC registry has been initialized.

    dsccsetup mfwk-reg [-t]

    Register the local Directory Server monitoring agent for Java Enterprise System Monitoring Framework with the Common Agent Container, cacao .

    Use the -t option if you want to restart the Common Agent Container manually at a later time.

    dsccsetup mfwk-unreg

    Remove the local Directory Server monitoring agent registration information from cacao .


    The following options apply to all commands and subcommands:


    Display usage for the command or for the specified subcommand.


    Do not prompt for confirmation before performing the operation.


    Displays the current version of dsccsetup . The version is provided in the format year.monthday.time . So version number 2007.1204.0035 was built on December 4th, 2007 at 00h35. If the components used by dsccsetup are not aligned, the version of each individual component is displayed.


    Display extra information for debugging purposes.


    The following options apply to the subcommands where they are specified:


    Do not restart the Common Agent Container or Sun Java Web Console after performing the operation.

    You can restart the Common Agent Container using the cacaoadm command. You can restart the Sun Java Web Console using the smcwebserver command.

    -w file
    --pwd-file file

    Use the Directory Service Manager password specified in file .

    By default, dsccsetup prompts for a password.

Exit Status

    The following exit status values are returned:


    Successful completion


    An error occurred.


    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:





    Stability Level 




See Also

    cacaoadm(1M), smcwebserver(1M)

DS 6.3  Last Revised 7 Dec 2007

NAME | Synopsis | Description | SUBCOMMANDS | GLOBAL OPTIONS | SUBCOMMAND OPTIONS | Exit Status | Attributes | See Also







idle-timeout        :  none  空闲超时: 服务器使空闲连接保持打开状态的最长时间。 单位是秒。

look-through-limit  :  unlimited  浏览限制:服务器处理搜索请求时访问的最大条目数。
search-size-limit   :  4000    大小限制:服务器响应搜索请求而返回的最大条目数。
search-time-limit   :  120  时间限制:服务器执行搜索请求时花费的最长时间。单位是秒。


# cd /ldap/install/ds6/bin

Use the dsconf get-server-prop command to read the resource limit server properties.

# dsconf get-server-prop -h host -p port look-through-limit search-size-limit \
 search-time-limit idle-timeout
look-through-limit  :  5000  
search-size-limit   :  2000  
search-time-limit   :  3600
idle-timeout        :  none

The output shows that searches look through a maximum of 5000 entries, return a maximum of 2000 entries, and use a maximum of one hour (3600 seconds) of server time to process the search.

Change the look-through limit.

# dsconf set-server-prop -h host -p port look-through-limit:integer

where integer is the maximum number of entries examined for a search operation.

Change the search size limit.

# dsconf set-server-prop -h host -p port search-size-limit:integer

where integer is the maximum number of entries returned by a search operation.

Change the search time limit.

# dsconf set-server-prop -h host -p port serach-time-limit:integer

where integer is the maximum time spent processing a search operation.

Change the idle timeout.

# dsconf set-server-prop -h host -p port idle-timeout:integer

where integer is the maximum time a client connection can remain idle before the connection is dropped.

