Apache Wicket 6.3 发布

Apache Wicket 6.3 发布。


这是 6 系列的一个修正,主要修复了 IE7 和 IE 8 一些 Javascript 相关的 Bug, 同时 JQuery 更新到最新版本 1.8.2。详细情况参考后面的更新记录。


在 Maven 中使用只要更新版本号。






 * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.3.0

 * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.3.0/binaries




Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.3.0

** Bug
    * [WICKET-4623] - UploadProgressBar does not show up if the form
submitted by AjaxButton or AjaxLink
    * [WICKET-4826] - PaletteButton#onComponentTag(ComponentTag) does
not call super
    * [WICKET-4829] - ComponentResolvers created in app init ignore
markup's namespace
    * [WICKET-4836] - Unmount a page does not work if the path starts with /
    * [WICKET-4837] - SmartLinkMultiLineLabel does not display email
addresses or web URLs as hyperlinks
    * [WICKET-4841] - Return error code 400 when an Ajax request has
no base url set in header/request parameters.
    * [WICKET-4842] - WicketRuntimeException when Tomcat cleans up a
session later on
    * [WICKET-4844] - AbstractResourceReferenceMapper doesn't escape
separators in style/variation names
    * [WICKET-4848] - Reporter of FeedbackMessage should not be set to
'null' on detach
    * [WICKET-4850] - BaseWicketTester discards cookies with MaxAge =
-1 when processing a new request
    * [WICKET-4851] - IE8, IE7 javascript errors with Wicket 6
    * [WICKET-4857] - AutoCompleteTextFields submits Form if a choice
is selected via enter-key
    * [WICKET-4859] - Integer overflow in AbstractToolbar
    * [WICKET-4864] - 'format' not set in ConversionException
    * [WICKET-4865] - Page parameters not working with CryptoMapper

** Improvement
    * [WICKET-4831] - Append the feedback message CSS class instead of
overriding it
    * [WICKET-4835] - Add debug log messages in CompoundRequestMapper#mapRequest
    * [WICKET-4845] - Make BasicResourceReferenceMapper public so it
is easy to extend it
    * [WICKET-4853] - Change FormComponent#reportRequiredError() from
private to protected
    * [WICKET-4856] - Support SVG extension in SecurePackageResourceGuard
    * [WICKET-4863] - Customize ValidationError creation by FormComponent
    * [WICKET-4867] - Detach the object before calculating its size

** Task
    * [WICKET-4855] - Upgrade JQuery to 1.8.2



