Release Notes - Struts 2 - Version 2.1.8

Release Notes - Struts 2 - Version 2.1.8 - HTML format
[WW-3045] - Replace TextUtils String methods
[WW-3202] - UtilTimerStack activation (XWork)
[WW-3203] - Remove synchronized block from DefaultActionInvocation.createResult
[WW-3204] - Replace synchronized section in AnnotationActionValidatorManager.getValidators with a ReentrantReadWriteLock implementation
[WW-1714] - Using the Redirect Action Result with parameters to the target action causes an OGNL warning
[WW-2176] - In Turkish locale "TR" double values are multiplied by ten on every page load
[WW-2345] - Default locale is not evaluated always using client default locale
[WW-2359] - Indexed properties in model do NOT resolved properly
[WW-2362] - "HTML form buttons HOWTO" tutorial in Cookbook does no longer work
[WW-2367] - Custom StrutsTypeConverter's convertToString not called
[WW-2794] - Dispatcher should allow bypass of URI patterns
[WW-2802] - Unselected multi-select boxes do not post back request parameters, therefore the associated attributes do not get cleared
[WW-2809] - doubleselect ignores preselection of a multiple subselect
[WW-2827] - TextProviderHelper cause a NPE if there is TextProvider object on the stack .
[WW-2848] - Exception while using @Result annotation with result type which doesn't define a default parameter
[WW-2850] - paramsPrepareParams stack should execute checkbox interceptor earlier
[WW-2863] - onchange handler doesn't fire on doubleselect tag
[WW-2897] - org.apache.struts2.tiles.StrutsTilesListener do not work
[WW-2898] - Object Factory not injected before buildBean call for type converters
[WW-2956] - setting devMode value to "true" causes NullPointerException
[WW-2959] - setting devMode value to "true" causes NullPointerException
[WW-2966] - ToolTips do not render correctly
[WW-2971] - type conversion cannot convert negative numbers to Double
[WW-2983] - Anonymous Action classes cause IndexOutOfBoundException
[WW-2986] - NPE in org.apache.struts2.components.template.TemplateEngineManager.getTemplateEngine(
[WW-2988] - Tags actionerror, actionmessage and fielderror do not set the "id" attribute on the generated ul tag
[WW-2992] - Cookie interceptor is not defined in struts-default.xml
[WW-2993] - double Name expression gets escaped without being evaluated
[WW-2996] - Memory Leak when SlashesInActionNames is enabled and wildcards are used in actionnames
[WW-2997] - Changing form to utilise an enctype multipart/form-data disables the 'method' or 'action' attribute of a s:submit button
[WW-2999] - Convention plugin and jar scanning failing on Websphere
[WW-3000] - StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter param problem
[WW-3003] - The "name" attribute in @Result (Convention plugin) should default to "success"
[WW-3007] - org.apache.struts2.util.ContainUtil.contains
[WW-3023] - ClassNotFoundException in Convention plugin using WebSphere shared library
[WW-3024] - Validation XML file names when action name has slashes
[WW-3027] - I18nInterceptor dismisses browser provided locale (see XW-679)
[WW-3028] - The CRUD showcase example misses localized form data for Double value
[WW-3029] - key attribute is not working properly
[WW-3031] - FormTag does not have onreset property
[WW-3032] - jsonValidationWorkflowStack bug? --- Struts 2 Ajax validation Unicode messages (e.g. for Japanese, Chinese) all displayed as "?"
[WW-3033] - s:form tag generates markup with id attribute values containing hypens '-' replaced with underscores '_'
[WW-3039] - Can't not get parameter from GET
[WW-3040] - Context supplied through convertValue to custom converter is missing many key-value pairs (including ServletContext)
[WW-3042] - Backward incompatible changes in 2.1.7
[WW-3043] - Result annotations at the method level should overwrite result annotations at the class level in the Convention plugin
[WW-3046] - Make "redirect" result support params (passed from <param>), like "redirectAction" does
[WW-3067] - Add a configuration constant to turn on/off the logging of missing properties by OGNL
[WW-3068] - ExecuteAndWaitInterceptor org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ExecuteAndWaitInterceptor.doIntercept(
[WW-3075] - StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter accesses request parameters before setting request encoding
[WW-3077] - StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter: infinite loop in filter chain with dispatcher FORWARD
[WW-3081] - PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder.buildUrlSet() does not find actions when ReloadingClassLoader is used
[WW-3083] - Certain annotations should not only be inherited from their super class package but also from their super class itself
[WW-3087] - PortletFreemarkerResult not putting "location" to session and DirectRenderFromEventAction not able to forward to a freemarker result
[WW-3090] - The ServletUrlRenderer should use the current action / namespace as a default in #renderUrl
[WW-3092] - Rename bean from "named-variable" to "namedVariable"
[WW-3097] - "disable" attribute of s:reset and sx:submit tags does not work
[WW-3098] - NeedsRefresh not working for ModelDrivenInterceptor and Hibernate
[WW-3102] - findbugs issues
[WW-3103] - emptyOption attribute ignored in select tag (Java Templates)
[WW-3104] - new dispatcher cause java.lang.StackOverflowError
[WW-3107] - NPE whlie use ServletActionRedirectResult as Result type
[WW-3108] - Trying to release the struts-master artifact will deploy files to the website
[WW-3109] - Visitor validator crashes when <message> is blank
[WW-3114] - Work around getSystemClassloader call for compatibility with GAE
[WW-3117] - StreamResult javadoc includes a mistake that leads many developers astray.
[WW-3119] - Stringlength validation problem for utf-8 chars (Struts 2.1.6)
[WW-3120] - <s: checkbox> returns boolean type to ParameterAware
[WW-3121] - IllegalArgumentException using struts2-convention-plugin-2.1.6.jar on JBoss
[WW-3122] - Wrong DTD for tiles-config referred in Struts 2.1.6 example application
[WW-3124] - Javatemplates plugin is missing some IoC dependency
[WW-3125] - Incorrect reflection behavior while parameters setting
[WW-3126] - Custom StrutsTypeConverter's convertToString not called for Textfield-Tag
[WW-3128] - struts2-rest-plugin incorrectly handles multipart/form-data content-type data
[WW-3132] - DWR version 2.0.5 and 3.0rc1 are not getting deteced by struts 2.1.6
[WW-3133] - Could not load MultiColumnPrinter.class exception
[WW-3135] - OVal Plugin doesn't add field errors for "subfields"
[WW-3137] - redirectAction doesn't works when it is a submit button name
[WW-3138] - DWRValidator not working
[WW-3142] - Convention plugin support for default actionless dispatcher results exposes raw source code of index.jsp files on Google AppEngine
[WW-3143] - JakartaMultiPartRequest and FileUploadInterceptor logging at "error" level on IO and user generated errors
[WW-3146] - s:doubleselect fails if form has no "name" attribute
[WW-3147] - com.opensymphony.xwork2.spring.SpringObjectFactory does'nt create bean when alwaysRespectAutowireStrategy=false
[WW-3150] - TokenSessionStoreInterceptor fails with NPE when no token is provided.
[WW-3152] - save Token - Multiple click on Button in IE
[WW-3154] - RepopulateConversionErrorFieldValidatorSupport logs a warning when repopulating fields without conversion errors
[WW-3156] - not able to specify css class for up and down arrows in option transfer select tag and script errors
[WW-3157] - Changing form to utilise an enctype multipart/form-data creating Issue while page submit
[WW-3158] - XSLT cannot render a collection that contains a null value.
[WW-3161] - When using execAndWait interceptor, getText() fails with npe (ActionContext.getContext() is null)
[WW-3163] - NPE on JBoss for struts.convention.classes.reload=true
[WW-3164] - Using Struts 2.1.6 Portlet Plugin Causes NullPointerException When Executing A Normal Struts 2 Action
[WW-3166] - The contains method of org.apache.struts2.util.ContainUtil throws a NullPointerException if Obj1 contains a null element in an array
[WW-3172] - Add a flag to disable OGNL cache, which can cause memory leaks
[WW-3179] - StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter and StrutsPrepareFilter causes i18n problems
[WW-3187] - Stream result type charset
[WW-3192] - When struts is used to render an error-page, getting the action mapping from original request
[WW-3194] - Can no longer have seperate xml validations for different action methods mapped with a wildcard
[WW-3207] - Struts 2 submit tag is missing an "alt" attribute for type="image"
[WW-3208] - Spring Plugin using commons.lang.StringUtils instead of shaded class in xwork library
[WW-3210] - JFreeChart plugin not setting correct mime type
[WW-3213] - StaticParametersInterceptor does not set setDenyMethodExecution()
[WW-3214] - AliasInterceptor does not set setDenyMethodExecution()
[WW-3215] - ActionComponent swallows exceptions
[WW-3227] - struts.action.excludePattern does not work as expected
[WW-3230] - StrutsSpringObjectFactory throws a ClassCastException when the ApplicationContext doesn't create properly.
[WW-3244] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in struts 2.1.6 convention plugin
[WW-3246] - Optgroup Freemarker template desn't escape HTML
[WW-3252] - Documentation for reloading Struts XML is incorrect
[WW-3254] - Backward Incompatible Changes in 2.1.8
[WW-1739] - Enhance CSV list parsing in ParameterFilterInterceptor
[WW-2548] - Add support to W3C "rel" and "rev" attributes to "s:a" tag - microformats
[WW-2609] - Action Errors are not supported by AJAX validation
[WW-2742] - Paramters not being set in JFreeChart Plugin
[WW-2757] - Stacks defaultStack & paramsPrepareParamsStack are not synced
[WW-2765] - add setting for autowire=no
[WW-2775] - Make the decision on whether or not a Class can be instantiated overridable by subclasses
[WW-2780] - return null, rather than throw NullpointExetion while ServletActionContext.getRequest()
[WW-2807] - Improve Velocity tag syntax and performance
[WW-2810] - @Inject is hardwired for TextProvider
[WW-2866] - A ServletException without details seems thrown when an action listed in Struts.xml is not found, add details in the exception and log a fatal error
[WW-2881] - Generic ActionMapping.params
[WW-2883] - StrutsXmlConfigurationProvider generics fix
[WW-2884] - Support for report JDBC connection
[WW-2886] - CookiesAware and CookieInterceptor are not generic
[WW-2892] - Name attribute defaults to empty string on UI tags
[WW-2911] - Update maven struts2-archetype-blank to latest release version
[WW-2951] - id and name attributes should have the same value for the form tag
[WW-2955] - Make *Aware interface to inject the PortletConfig object
[WW-2958] - Build and/or Assembly improvements
[WW-2982] - add *.jspx files as a possible view.
[WW-2984] - Improve iterator tag to support "begin", "end" and "step" attributes
[WW-2990] - Could not create application global result.
[WW-2994] - Add extension points for Convention plugin classes
[WW-3009] - Extensibility Improvements to javatemplates plugin - patch (project scope)
[WW-3017] - Making it possible to have a configurable list of uri-patterns telling struts not to handle the request
[WW-3021] - Set overridable findResultFromExceptions method to ExceptionMappingInterceptor
[WW-3022] - VisitorFieldValidator default message is null
[WW-3026] - Struts 2 needs to log errors in the processing of the struts.xml configuration file (suggested fix included).
[WW-3037] - Anchor tag should be able to build URLs like the URL tag does
[WW-3050] - Upgrade Spring depedencies from mixed 2.5.3 / 2.0.8 to 2.5.6
[WW-3051] - Throw exceptions when an EL expression fails due to an exception or because a property is missing
[WW-3071] - API adjustment: cannot override DefaultResultMapBuilder.createResultConfig due to limited DefaultResultMapBuilder.ResultInfo visibility
[WW-3076] - Add an "order" attribute to the "struts" configuration element
[WW-3079] - Allow for wiring global macro Freemarker library's within FreemarkerManager
[WW-3082] - log level is to high
[WW-3101] - @Action and @Actions should be able to be applied to classes, the method will be determined at runtime by Dynamic Action invocation mechanism
[WW-3110] - Use new constructor of XWork class UrlSet to specify ClassLoader protocols. (Allows WebLogic deployment)
[WW-3115] - Provide a way to inject file upload listener for JakartaMultipartRequest
[WW-3116] - Update sitemesh-plugin to use version 2.4.2 (GAE compliancy)
[WW-3123] - Add constant to Convention to prevent mapping default action to "execute" if other mappings exist on the same class
[WW-3140] - <s:select> converts the "listKey" to String before comparing to the Object in "value"
[WW-3145] - Convention plugin + portlet plugin not working together ?
[WW-3155] - RestfulActionMapper iterates a map where it should only just do a lookup
[WW-3168] - Exceptions thrown by constructors are not mapped to actions as condfigured in struts.xml
[WW-3188] - Don't render action errors/messages when have null message
[WW-3189] - Add support to clear template cache to FreemarkerTemplateEngine
[WW-3196] - StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter has no hook to do own initialization with container
[WW-3197] - Upgrade OGNL to 2.7.3
[WW-3198] - Upgrade to FreeMarker 2.3.15
[WW-3212] - Improve (create) DynamicAttributes documentation
[WW-3216] - Improve Stuts JUnit plugin to provide support for executing actions
[WW-3222] - Remove "profiling" interceptor from the "defaultStack"
[WW-3224] - s:actionerror and Cross-Site Scripting
New Feature
[WW-2394] - Zero Configuration is too limited - cannot eliminate struts.xml
[WW-2728] - Shade Commons Lang
[WW-3105] - FileUploadInterceptor should support inject InputStream not File
[WW-3159] - It would be better if we get export to other format as default framework feature
[WW-3162] - Support @ParentPackage inheritance
[WW-3183] - Add class reloading to the Spring plugin
[WW-3044] - Replace helper classes/method by similar implementations in commons-lang
[WW-3053] - How to use autocomplete attribute with form tag in struts 2
[WW-3054] - declarative validations
[WW-3100] - Struts 2.1.7 Omnibus Ticket
[WW-3200] - Struts 2/OGNL/XWork performance
[WW-3217] - Bring JSON plugin into trunk
[WW-3253] - Struts 2.1.8 omnibus ticket
[WW-3148] - ParametersInterceptor exception
