REBOL 中 Bind 的理解



Bind words to a special context.


Binds meaning to words in a block. That is, it gives words a context in which they can be interpreted. This allows blocks to be exchanged between different contexts, which permits their words to be understood. For instance a function may want to treat words in a global database as being local to that function.

The second argument to BIND is a word from the context in which the block is to be bound. Normally, this is a word from the local context (e.g. one of the function arguments), but it can be a word from any context within the system.

BIND will modify the block it is given. To avoid that, use the /COPY refinement. It will create a new block that is returned as the result.



bind someblock ‘someword,就可以将调用这个bind的context也一般也就是someword所在的context合并到someblock的context中(而不是替换someblock的context),此时引用someblock中someword时,rebol就会到定义someword的函数中寻找它的值。


