Solaris Source Insight: PCI bus driver moduls - npe Part 5

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    Fri Nov 13 14:19:32 CST 2009


Return the number of supported interrupt number. If MSI/X supported, the responding capability registers will tell the number. Otherwise, the interrupt number was saved in parent private data of devinfo node.


925 int

926 i_ddi_get_intx_nintrs(dev_info_t *dip)

927 {

928 |_______struct ddi_parent_private_data *pdp;


930 |_______if ((pdp = ddi_get_parent_data(dip)) == NULL)

931 |_______|_______return (0);


933 |_______return (pdp->par_nintr);

934 }

Let's roll back to check what kind of things passed to npe_intr_ops().


829 /*

830 * npe_intr_ops

831 */

832 static int

833 npe_intr_ops(dev_info_t *pdip, dev_info_t *rdip, ddi_intr_op_t intr_op,

834 ddi_intr_handle_impl_t *hdlp, void *result)

835 {

836 |_______return (pci_common_intr_ops(pdip, rdip, intr_op, hdlp, result));

837 }

pdip – the bus devinfo node

rdip – the leaf devinfo node which issued the request

intr_op – interrupt ops, following operations supported


42 /*

43 * Typedef for interrupt ops

44 */

45 typedef enum {

46 |_______DDI_INTROP_SUPPORTED_TYPES = 1,|/* 1 get supported interrupts types */

47 |_______DDI_INTROP_NINTRS,|_____|_______/* 2 get num of interrupts supported */

48 |_______DDI_INTROP_ALLOC,|______|_______/* 3 allocate interrupt handle */

49 |_______DDI_INTROP_GETPRI,|_____|_______/* 4 get priority */

50 |_______DDI_INTROP_SETPRI,|_____|_______/* 5 set priority */

51 |_______DDI_INTROP_ADDISR,|_____|_______/* 6 add interrupt handler */

52 |_______DDI_INTROP_DUPVEC,|_____|_______/* 7 duplicate interrupt handler */

53 |_______DDI_INTROP_ENABLE,|_____|_______/* 8 enable interrupt */

54 |_______DDI_INTROP_BLOCKENABLE,||_______/* 9 block enable interrupts */

55 |_______DDI_INTROP_BLOCKDISABLE,|_______/* 10 block disable interrupts */

56 |_______DDI_INTROP_DISABLE,|____|_______/* 11 disable interrupt */

57 |_______DDI_INTROP_REMISR,|_____|_______/* 12 remove interrupt handler */

58 |_______DDI_INTROP_FREE,|_______|_______/* 13 free interrupt handle */

59 |_______DDI_INTROP_GETCAP,|_____|_______/* 14 get capacity */

60 |_______DDI_INTROP_SETCAP,|_____|_______/* 15 set capacity */

61 |_______DDI_INTROP_SETMASK,|____|_______/* 16 set mask */

62 |_______DDI_INTROP_CLRMASK,|____|_______/* 17 clear mask */

63 |_______DDI_INTROP_GETPENDING,|_|_______/* 18 get pending interrupt */

64 |_______DDI_INTROP_NAVAIL,|_____|_______/* 19 get num of available interrupts */

65 |_______DDI_INTROP_GETPOOL,|____|_______/* 20 get resource management pool */

66 |_______DDI_INTROP_GETTARGET,|__|_______/* 21 get target for a given intr(s) */

67 |_______DDI_INTROP_SETTARGET|___|_______/* 22 set target for a given intr(s) */

68 } ddi_intr_op_t;

hdlp – the implementation structure for DDI interrupt handling

result – the returned result data


74 /*

75 * One such data structure is allocated per ddi_intr_handle_t

76 * This is the incore copy of the regular interrupt info.

77 */

78 typedef struct ddi_intr_handle_impl {

79 |_______dev_info_t|_____|_______*ih_dip;|_______/* dip associated with handle */

80 |_______uint16_t|_______|_______ih_type;|_______/* interrupt type being used */

81 |_______ushort_t|_______|_______ih_inum;|_______/* interrupt number */

82 |_______uint32_t|_______|_______ih_vector;|_____/* vector number */

83 |_______uint16_t|_______|_______ih_ver;||_______/* Version */

84 |_______uint_t|_|_______|_______ih_state;|______/* interrupt handle state */

85 |_______uint_t|_|_______|_______ih_cap;||_______/* interrupt capabilities */

86 |_______uint_t|_|_______|_______ih_pri;||_______/* priority - bus dependent */

87 |_______krwlock_t|______|_______ih_rwlock;|_____/* read/write lock per handle */

… …

125 } ddi_intr_handle_impl_t;

This structure will be passed through different functions for DDI interrupt handling. Type, inum, vector are basic to understand the implementation. Specific interrupts are always specified by the combination of interrupt type and inum. For legacy devices, inum refers to the nth interrupt, typically as defined by the devices interrupts property. For PCI fixed interrupts, inum refers to the interrupt number. The inum is the relative interrupt vector number, from 0 to 31 for MSI, from 0 to 2047 for MSI-X. The first interrupt vector is 0. The last relative vector is 31 for MSI or 2047 for MSI-X. Three interrupt types are defined in Solaris DDI.


61 /* Hardware interrupt types */

62 #define|DDI_INTR_TYPE_FIXED|____0x1

63 #define|DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSI|______0x2

64 #define|DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSIX|_____0x4

The second piece of interrupt data is stored as ddi parent private data. It's created for both fixed interrupt and MSI/X interrupt types.


134 /*

135 * Create the ddi_parent_private_data for a pseudo child.

136 */

137 void

138 pci_common_set_parent_private_data(dev_info_t *dip)

139 {

140 |_______struct ddi_parent_private_data *pdptr;


142 |_______pdptr = (struct ddi_parent_private_data *)kmem_zalloc(

143 |_______ (sizeof (struct ddi_parent_private_data) +

144 |_______ sizeof (struct intrspec)), KM_SLEEP);

145 |_______pdptr->par_intr = (struct intrspec *)(pdptr + 1);

146 |_______pdptr->par_nintr = 1;

147 |_______ddi_set_parent_data(dip, pdptr);

148 }


735 /*

736 * parent private data structure contains register, interrupt, property

737 * and range information.

738 */

739 struct ddi_parent_private_data {

740 |_______int par_nreg;|__|_______|_______/* number of regs */

741 |_______struct regspec *par_reg;|_______/* array of regs */

742 |_______int par_nintr;|_|_______|_______/* number of interrupts */

743 |_______struct intrspec *par_intr;|_____/* array of possible interrupts */

744 |_______int par_nrng;|__|_______|_______/* number of ranges */

745 |_______struct rangespec *par_rng;|_____/* array of ranges */

746 };

747 #define|DEVI_PD(d)|_____\

748 |_______((struct ddi_parent_private_data *)DEVI((d))->devi_parent_data)


390 /*

391 * This structure represents one interrupt possible from the given

392 * device. It is used in an array for devices with multiple interrupts.

393 */

394 struct intrspec {

395 |_______uint_t intrspec_pri;|___|_______/* interrupt priority */

396 |_______uint_t intrspec_vec;|___|_______/* vector # (0 if none) */

397 |_______uint_t (*intrspec_func)();|_____/* function to call for interrupt, */

398 |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______/* If (uint_t (*)()) 0, none. */

399 |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______/* If (uint_t (*)()) 1, then */

400 };

The third piece of data related to ddi interrupt is stored in devinfo structure.

126 struct dev_info {


237 |_______/* Owned by DDI interrupt framework */

238 |_______devinfo_intr_t|_*devi_intr_p;

… …

276 };


273 /*

274 * One such data structure is allocated for each dip.

275 * It has interrupt related information that can be

276 * stored/retrieved for convenience.

277 */

278 typedef struct devinfo_intr {

279 |_______/* These three fields show what the device is capable of */

280 |_______uint_t|_|_______devi_intr_sup_types;|___/* Intrs supported by device */


282 |_______ddi_intr_msix_t|*devi_msix_p;|__|_______/* MSI-X info, if supported */


284 |_______/* Next three fields show current status for the device */

285 |_______uint_t|_|_______devi_intr_curr_type;|___/* Interrupt type being used */

286 |_______uint_t|_|_______devi_intr_sup_nintrs;|__/* #intr supported */

287 |_______uint_t|_|_______devi_intr_curr_nintrs;|_/* #intr currently being used */

288 |_______/*

289 |_______ * #intr currently being enabled

290 |_______ * (for MSI block enable, the valuse is either 1 or 0.)

291 |_______ */

292 |_______uint_t|_|_______devi_intr_curr_nenables;


294 |_______ddi_intr_handle_t *devi_intr_handle_p;|_/* Hdl for legacy intr APIs */


296 #if defined(__i386) || defined(__amd64)

297 |_______/* Save the PCI config space handle */

298 |_______ddi_acc_handle_t devi_cfg_handle;

299 |_______int|____|_______ devi_cap_ptr;|_|_______/* MSI or MSI-X cap pointer */

300 #endif


302 |_______ddi_irm_req_t|__*devi_irm_req_p;|_______/* IRM request information */

303 } devinfo_intr_t;


Allocate and free the interrupt vectors. Allocate interrupts of the interrupt type beginning at the interrupt number inum. ddi_intr_alloc(9F) will call this function for purpose. If MSI/X is supported, the actual operation is accomplished through psm_intr_ops() which is specified in psm module.


359 |_______|_______|_______/*

360 |_______|_______|_______ * Allocate interrupt vectors

361 |_______|_______|_______ */

362 |_______|_______|_______(void) (*psm_intr_ops)(rdip, hdlp,

363 |_______|_______|_______ PSM_INTR_OP_ALLOC_VECTORS, result);


Interrupt priority is stored at DEVI(dip)->devi_parent_data->par_intr->intrspec_pri. To set/change the interrupt priority, platform level psm_intr_ops() must be called. Two broad classes of interrupt: High-level and normal interrupts are defined. Most interrupts on the system are normal interrupts. Seldom must a device be configured to a high-level interrupt .


459 |_______case DDI_INTROP_SETPRI:

460 |_______|_______/* Validate the interrupt priority passed */

461 |_______|_______if (*(int *)result > LOCK_LEVEL)

462 |_______|_______|_______return (DDI_FAILURE);

High-level interrupts are handled much like traditional UNIX interrupts . A high-level interrupt has no process or thread context of its own . A high-level interrupt may not block for any reason . A high-level ISR may only call mutex_enter(9F), the associated mutex_exit(9F), and ddi_trigger_softintr(9F)


    Add and remove ispec.




    Rely on pcplusmp psm_intr_ops().

To be continued …
