将ActiveBPEL Designer提取整合到Eclipse里面(Integrate ActiveBPEL Designer into Eclipse)

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Integrate ActiveBPEL Designer into Eclipse

The ActiveBPEL Designer provided by Active-endpoints Company is free. It’s built on the most popular platform: eclipse. However, the company has not provided the designer on Linux, so I have to do it myself, by extracting the essential package from the official designer and integrating them into eclipse on Linux.

Environment Intro

ActiveBPEL Designer 4.0 (Windows edition)

Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)

Essential package


$ActiveBPEL Designer Home\Designer\eclipse\plugins\

$ ActiveBPEL Designer Home\Designer\eclipse\features

($ActiveBPEL Designer Home is the location where your designer installed.)



  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->com.activee.bpel.cheatsheets_3.1.0
  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->com.activee.bpel.doc_3.1.0
  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->com.activee.bpel_3.1.0
  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->com.activee.bpel_4.0.0
  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->com.activee.coreep.doc_3.1.0
  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->com.activee.coreep_3.1.0
  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->org.eclipse.gef_3.2.1.v20060921.jar
  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->org.eclipse.draw2d_3.2.1.v20060921.jar


  • <!--[if !supportLists]-->l <!--[endif]-->com.ae.bpel_3.1.0

Total size:36.9MB

(If your eclipse can’t work well later, add other packages as you need)

ADD the package above to your eclipse plugins, and start eclipse with –clean parameter. Check the “Window——>Preference” to make sure the ActiveBPEL works.

The links way is suggested to install plugin of the eclipse.

(ATTENTION: use // not \ to divide the path in your link file.)

<hints id="hah_hints"></hints>
