

//静态的final方法得到一个WeakIdentityMap<k,v> k=impl v=list<attribute>
private static final WeakIdentityMap<Class<? extends AttributeImpl>,LinkedList<WeakReference<Class<? extends Attribute>>>> knownImplClasses =
  static LinkedList<WeakReference<Class<? extends Attribute>>> getAttributeInterfaces(final Class<? extends AttributeImpl> clazz) {
    LinkedList<WeakReference<Class<? extends Attribute>>> foundInterfaces = knownImplClasses.get(clazz);
    if (foundInterfaces == null) {
      foundInterfaces = new LinkedList<WeakReference<Class<? extends Attribute>>>();
   //如果接口满足不是Attribute 但是又是Attribute的子接口list就添加进去
      Class<?> actClazz = clazz;
      do {
        for (Class<?> curInterface : actClazz.getInterfaces()) {
          if (curInterface != Attribute.class && Attribute.class.isAssignableFrom(curInterface)) {
            foundInterfaces.add(new WeakReference<Class<? extends Attribute>>(curInterface.asSubclass(Attribute.class)));
        actClazz = actClazz.getSuperclass();
      } while (actClazz != null);
      knownImplClasses.put(clazz, foundInterfaces);
    return foundInterfaces;


//Attribute的工厂 只有一个方法通过attriubte创建一个Impl的实例
//Attribute工厂的作用是什么? 通过Attribute得到AttributeImpl
  public static abstract class AttributeFactory {
//工厂的抽象方法 放回一个AttributeImpl参数是Attribute
    public abstract AttributeImpl createAttributeInstance(Class<? extends Attribute> attClass);
    //默认里面实现了一个工厂 我把他放到下面了单独看下
    public static final AttributeFactory DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY = new DefaultAttributeFactory();
    private static final class DefaultAttributeFactory extends AttributeFactory {
      private static final WeakIdentityMap<Class<? extends Attribute>, WeakReference<Class<? extends AttributeImpl>>> attClassImplMap =
      DefaultAttributeFactory() {} 
      public AttributeImpl createAttributeInstance(Class<? extends Attribute> attClass) {
        try {
          return getClassForInterface(attClass).newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not instantiate implementing class for " + attClass.getName());
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not instantiate implementing class for " + attClass.getName());
      private static Class<? extends AttributeImpl> getClassForInterface(Class<? extends Attribute> attClass) {
        final WeakReference<Class<? extends AttributeImpl>> ref = attClassImplMap.get(attClass);
        Class<? extends AttributeImpl> clazz = (ref == null) ? null : ref.get();
//如果是空值 自行得到
        if (clazz == null) {
          // we have the slight chance that another thread may do the same, but who cares?
          try {
              new WeakReference<Class<? extends AttributeImpl>>(
                clazz = Class.forName(attClass.getName() + "Impl", true, attClass.getClassLoader())
          } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find implementing class for " + attClass.getName());
        return clazz;




private final Map<Class<? extends Attribute>, AttributeImpl> attributes;

 private final Map<Class<? extends AttributeImpl>, AttributeImpl> attributeImpls;

 private final State[] currentState;

 private final AttributeFactory factory;



 public final void addAttributeImpl(final AttributeImpl att) {
    final Class<? extends AttributeImpl> clazz = att.getClass();
    if (attributeImpls.containsKey(clazz)){          
    final LinkedList<WeakReference<Class<? extends Attribute>>> foundInterfaces =
    // add all interfaces of this AttributeImpl to the maps
    for (WeakReference<Class<? extends Attribute>> curInterfaceRef : foundInterfaces) {
      final Class<? extends Attribute> curInterface = curInterfaceRef.get();
      assert (curInterface != null) :
        "We have a strong reference on the class holding the interfaces, so they should never get evicted";
      // Attribute is a superclass of this interface
      if (!attributes.containsKey(curInterface)) {
        // invalidate state to force recomputation in captureState()
        this.currentState[0] = null;
        attributes.put(curInterface, att);
        attributeImpls.put(clazz, att);
  public final <A extends Attribute> A addAttribute(Class<A> attClass) {
    AttributeImpl attImpl = attributes.get(attClass);
    if (attImpl == null) {
      if (!(attClass.isInterface() && Attribute.class.isAssignableFrom(attClass))) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "addAttribute() only accepts an interface that extends Attribute, but " +
          attClass.getName() + " does not fulfil this contract."
      addAttributeImpl(attImpl = this.factory.createAttributeInstance(attClass));
    return attClass.cast(attImpl);

 五、State 是干嘛的?

public static final class State implements Cloneable {
    AttributeImpl attribute;
    State next;
    public State clone() {
      State clone = new State();
      clone.attribute = attribute.clone();
      if (next != null) { = next.clone();
      return clone;
 public final String reflectAsString(final boolean prependAttClass) {
    final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    reflectWith(new AttributeReflector() {
      public void reflect(Class<? extends Attribute> attClass, String key, Object value) {
        if (buffer.length() > 0) {
        if (prependAttClass) {
        buffer.append(key).append('=').append((value == null) ? "null" : value);
    return buffer.toString();
  public final void reflectWith(AttributeReflector reflector) {
    for (State state = getCurrentState(); state != null; state = {

